Page 169 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 169

        E  Sorry Tony, I'm just about to run out of    T  Sorry, we got cut off.                     D  So how much do you need?
            credit. I'll email you the flight details.   S  What were you saying?                    B  £250, should do it.
        T  Great. I'll see you on Monday, then. Bye.   T  I was saying that maybe we could all meet   D  £250! No, that's too much. You can have
        E  See you. Bye.                                  up that evening - you know, for dinner or     - £150, but don't tell your mum. She'll go
                                                          something.                                     mad. And this is the last time, Briony. I'm
                                                       S  Lovely, where do you fancy going?             serious. It's about time you stood on your
        TONY  Hello, Harry.
        HARRY  Hello, Tony. How are things?               Oh ... oh, I think my phone's about to         own two feet.
        T  Oh, not bad, thanks. Was just speaking         die. Let's talk about it later.            B  Yeah, well, when I'm famous ...
            to your son - he's coming back next        T  OK. Speak soon. See you on Monday          D  Yeah, I've heard that one before.
            Monday.                                       night.                                     B  Oh, I wish you were coming to the gig on
        H  How come Eddy never tells us these                                                           Saturday.
            things?                                                                                  D  OK, I'll check with your mum. Do you
        T  That's Eddy for you! Anyway, I, um,         1                                                know where she is, by the way?
            I was just off to show some people round     minister, agrees       the                  B  No, sorry. Have you tried her mobile?
            the new flats.                               protestert_,arguments.                      D  Yes, but it's always at the bottom of her
        H  Good, hope it goes well. Anyway, the        2  This                                           bag. She never hears it ring.
            reason I'm calling is that we're ... a ...   capacity.                                   B  Tell me about it!
            meeting next ...                           3  He                             should      D  I wish I knew where she was, I'm ready
        T  Sorry, it's a bad line. You'll have to speak   beJ j!)n the north._of the country, where     for my dinner. I hope she comes home
            up a bit.                                                high                               soon.
        H  Would you like me to phone you back?        4  The police,                      the       B  It's time you learned how to cook for
        T  No, it's OK, I can hear you now. What                      demonstrators, made               yourself, Dad!
            were you saying?                                                                         D  Well, when you pay me back all the
        H  We're having a big planning meeting erm,                                                     money you owe me, I won't need to, will I?
            next Monday afternoon, and I'd like you          27                                         I'll be able to hire my own personal chef!
            to be there.                               BRIONY  Hi, Dad.                              B  Ha ha. Oh, it's time to go. The band's
        T  Er, next Monday?                            DAD  Oh, hello, Briony.                          rehearsing this evening. Can you give me
        H  Yes. Er, we're going to be discussing plans   B  I've brought the car back.                  a lift?
            for this year's sales conference and we    D  In one piece this time, I hope.            D  I'd love to but there's no petrol in the car,
            want your ideas. Why, is there a problem?   B  Yes, in one piece. Honestly Dad, I wish      is there?
        T  No, it's fine. I'll be there.                  you'd stop talking about that accident. It
        H  Good. Er, it's in, let me see, it's in meeting   was months ago and there was hardly any
            room Band we'll be starting at 2.30. See      damage to the car.                         1  I wish she lived a bit nearer.
            you then.                                                   2  I wish he'd bought chocolate instead.
                                                      D  Fair enough, but have you filled it up with
        T  Right.                                         petrol?                                    3  I wish she'd visit more often.
        H  Oh, and, er, good luck with the new        B  Sorry, I'm afraid not and it's nearly       4  I wish he worked for us.
            clients.                                      empty. Sorry, Dad. I'm a bit short of      5  I wish I'd had enough time to finish.
        T  Thanks.                                        money at the moment. In fact, I need to    6  I wish I earned a bit more money.
        3                                                 borrow some. I owe my flatmate £100              10
        SOPHIE  Hello, Tony.                              and my rent's due.
        TONY  Hello, Sophie.                          D  How do you manage to get into so much       I wish I      loo ked after them in
        S  How's your day going?                          debt?                                      my home.      .  . .  .
        T  Fine, how about you?                       B  Oh it's really easy.                        I should have started domg this years ago.
        S  Oh, not too bad, thanks. Busy, learning    D  Yes, well ... get a loan from the bank!     I sho•uldn't have moved so often.
            lines for an audition.                    B  I can't, I'm already overdrawn.             I wish I'd known he was a musician.
                                                                                                                       •  •  •  •
        T  I can't hear you very well.                D  Honestly, Briony. You never change.         I wish they hadn't put wires all over my head.
        S  Yeah, the reception isn't very good here.      It's about time you looked for some real   I shot ldn't have worried abo•ut anything.
            Do you want me to give you a ring later?      work.
        T  No, it's OK. I, um, just wanted to ask you   B  I've still got the part-time job at the          1
            if you're free next Monday afternoon.         restaurant. And I can't rehearse with the   GRAHAM  Good meal, Ruth.
            Eddy's flying in from Gs ...                  band, do the pub gigs in the evening and   RUTH  Yes, it was excellent, I thought.
        S  Sorry, I didn't get any of that. Say it        work all day as well. The band's getting   G  I'm really full. I'm sure they put more on
            agam.                                         quite well known locally, you know.           your plate here than in the UK.
        T  I said Eddy's flying in from Gstaad - next     We've got a gig on Saturday and one on     R  Do you want another glass of wine?
            Monday.                                       Sunday. You should come.                   G  Just a glass of water, please.
        S  Great. It'll be good to have Eddy back!    D  Your mum and I are thinking of going        R  Do you want coffee?
        T  Yeah. Er, the thing is, I, um, I've got to go   away this weekend.                        G  No, I'm fine, thanks.
            to a meeting that afternoon. Can you pick   B  Oh, pity. We're getting quite popular.    R  Could we have the check, please, Jack?
           Eddy up from Heathrow? He gets in at           We've just put our new song on YouTube     JACK  Certainly, ma'am.
            3.20.                                         and it's already got over 1,000 hits. I just   G  Look, this is on me.
        S  Yes, sure, no problem. I'm not working         wish we could get a recording contract.    R  But Graham, you bought dinner
            that day.                                     Anyway, please can you lend me some           yesterday.
        T  Great. Maybe that evening ... can meet ...     money?                                     G  Don't worry, it's on expenses. By the
           want.                                      D  I don't know.                                  way, do waiters here always introduce
        S  Oh, I keep losing you. Say that again?     B  Come on, Dad, pleeeease. I'll pay you          themselves?
        T  I said ... that evening ... could meet ...     back, I promise.                           R  Well, Cornell University did a study on
                                                                                                        tipping and found that restaurant staff
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