Page 170 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 170
got much bigger tips if they introduced Oh, Roger, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to
themselves. 35 hit you. Here, let me help you up.
G Really? 1 S Are you OK?
J Here's your check, ma'am. EDDY Hi, Martin. E I'm sorry.
G I'll take it, thanks. Right, er, oh, how MARTIN Hi, Eddy. Look, I'm sorry that this R It's OK. I don't think anything's broken.
much tip should I leave? is such short notice, but can you get to an Right, shall we try that again?
R Twenty per cent is about right - maybe audition in Baker Street in the next hour? E Yeah.
more if they introduce themselves. E Yes, of course.
G Wow! It's half that in the UK. M It's for a new TV police drama. I got the EDDY Hi. Mum.
R Half! No, 15% would be the absolute dates mixed up. I didn't realise it was
minimum here. today. The producer just phoned to see M Oh Eddy. I'm glad you phoned, I was just
G Er, right. While we're on the subject, I where you were. I'm really sorry. about to call you. Look, I'm really sorry.
I'm afraid I forgot to collect your dry
was in the hotel bar last night and the E Hey, don't worry about it. This is great cleaning. I'll get it today.
guy next to me ordered a drink, got $2 news. So what part is it? E It doesn't matter, Mum. It's not urgent.
change, which he left on the counter. Did M Er, it takes place in a nightclub and Hey, guess what. I've just been to an
he, um, did he just forget to pick it up? you're the bad guy. Oh, and there's a fight audition for a new TV drama. And I got
R No, we tip bartenders here, a couple of scene. I think that's why they want you to the part.
dollars a drink or, er, if you pay at the audition. They saw on your CV that you M Oh, that's fantastic news! Brilliant! Look,
end of the evening for everything, then did a lot of boxing at school.
why don't you come round for a cup of
15 or 20% of the total. E Er, well, I exaggerated a bit. I only did it coffee and tell me all about it.
G Mmm. We British never tip bar staff. for a term. But, hey, I'm an actor. I can E Yeah, great. Oh, and by the way, I'm
Some people, you know, offer them a fake it! sorry about last Saturday. I shouldn't
drink, but not money. M Anyway, you'd better get going. I'll text
R Wow, that's really strange. You'd never you the address. Good luck and let me have lost my temper. It wasn't your fault
do that here! know how it goes. I couldn't find my wallet. I can't believe I
shouted at you.
G Yeah, I know. E Thanks, Martin. I'll call you when it's M Oh, forget about it. You were just
] Thank you very much, sir. over. Bye. upset. And I'm sorry for not being more
G Thanks. Er, yeah, and, um, tipping New M Bye. sympathetic.
York taxi drivers - there's another thing 2 E No, don't worry. Right, I'll see you in
I'm never sure about. ROGER That's brilliant. Thank you. Take about 10 minutes then.
R Er, same rule as restaurants, 15 to 20%. care, bye. I'm really sorry that you've
But they wouldn't ... you'd never give been kept waiting. I had no idea the other M OK. I'll put the coffee on. Bye.
less than a couple of dollars, even if it's actor would be this late. I just spoke to his E Bye, Mum.
for a short journey across town. Say it's
agent and he should be here soon.
a $6 fare, you'd give them a $10 bill and SOPHIE No need to apologise. It's not your secure security (S)
say "give me back two dollars and we're fault. I'll just go over my lines again.
good". [Yeah] No, thank you. I said no. Leave offend offensive (S)
G Taxi drivers in London generally expect me alone ... precise precision (D) / pnsa1s/ / pns13;m/
to get a tip too. EDDY Sophie! -38
R So, how much do you give? S Eddy! I didn't know you were auditioning
G Oh, it varies. Some people just, um, just for this. advert advertise (S)
tell them to keep the change. Others give E Nor did I till an hour ago! type typical (D) / ta1p/ / t1p1kal/
10%. R Hello, Eddy. Roger Evans, the producer. definite definitely (S)
R What about hotels in the UK? Do you tip S Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce you. assume assumption (D) /asju:m/ / asAmpfan/
the bellhops? I thought you knew each other for some compare comparatively (D) /kampear/
G Er, we call them porters. Yes, if they reason. / kamprerisan/
carry your bags to your room, we usually R Oh, that's alright. decide decision (D) / d1sa1d/ /dISI3an/
give them like a pound or two. And here? E Nice to meet you, Roger. I'm really sorry introduce introduction (D) / intradju:s/
R Yeah, you'd tip the bellhop here too, a about all the mix-up. /intradAkf an/
dollar a bag and two dollars for every R Well, never mind, you're here now. Er, sign signature (D) /sam/ /s1gmtfa/
journey he makes to your room. here's the script, Eddy. You're playing the accept acceptable (S)
G And what if you want room service? part of Bob - and you're in a nightclub, provide provision (D) / prava1d/ /prav13an/
R Yes, we'd always give a tip for room and you've just come over to Sophie and simple simplify (S)
service. A couple of dollars. you want her to dance. And she doesn't wise wisdom (D) /wa1z/ /w1zdam/
G We'd probably give them a couple of want to.
pounds or something. E Right. 1
R Yeah, knowing who and how much to R I'll fill in for the part of the nightclub GLORIA Ritika, is that Nathan?
tip is always a problem when you're in a bouncer and let's make it as realistic as RITIKA I think it is. Nathan!
different country. I remember when I was possible. So when you're ready. NATHAN Oh hi, Gloria. Hi, Ritika. What
in Argentina last year ... E Hi, er, do you want to dance? are you doing in this part of town?
S Er, ... No, thank you.
34 RlTIKA Oh, we've just been to see Dream
E Oh, come on. Just one dance. Come on. Train - the new musical. Have you heard
1 Do you want coffee? (US) S I said no. Leave me alone, will you! I of it?
2 You bought dinner yesterday. (UK) don't want to dance. N I've read about it. What was it like?
3 Twenty per cent is about right. (UK) R Is this gentleman bothering you, miss? R Well, let's just say a better title would
4 You'd never give less than a couple of E You stay out of this! ... have been Nightmare Train. It was weird.
dollars. (US) It really was more like a bad dream.