Page 172 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 172
P Yes, well, I'll definitely come next time. the bathroom so I got that fixed. Then the M You're wrong, I did agree with it. Well,
B Great. So what are you up to today? leak left a stain on the kitchen ceiling so now um, some of it anyway.
P Nothing much. Do you want to do I'm having the kitchen painted. Of course, N I am surprised. Didn't think men read
something? all this costs a fortune! things like that.
B Well, I wouldn't mind going to see The M Ooh, that's a bit sexist, Naomi.
Matrix. How about you? N It isn't sexist, it's a fact. You know, men
P Yes, I'd like to see that again. What time's I can do a few things myself, I suppose. I don't usually read that stuff.
can change light bulbs and batteries, little
it on? M Well, I did .... Basically it just says that
B It's on at five o'clock and eight twenty. things like that, but I can't do very much else if men and women want to live together
P Which do you prefer? really. I don't even know how to check the successfully, they need to understand each
B I don't mind which one we go to. It's up tyres on my car. No, um, I get my husband other better. Not rocket science, is it?
to you. to do most jobs round the house. But he N Understand what?
P Let's go to the later one. really doesn't like painting and he's not very P Oh, you know, um, things like how men
B OK. Eight twenty's fine. Do you feel like good at it either. So, er, I usually have the drive women crazy.
having something to eat first? decorating done professionally. But other N How?
P Sure, what kind of food do you fancy? than that my husband does pretty much P Well, er, problem-solving for one thing.
B I'm easy. Whatever you like. everything else himself. Apparently men like to, um, sort out
as as " . . . their own problems. They only talk about
problems when they want solutions.
/i:/ niece I relief I achieve I piece I field Most of the time I get things done by M That's true.
hi accessories I series I accompanied I professionals. P But women talk about the same problems
apologies I get my husband to do most jobs ro•und over and over again.
la/ efficient I ancient I conscience I the hot se. M That's definitely true!
impatient I have the decorating done P It's because we just want sympathy,
professionally. Matt. But men think they have to give us
Im/ twentieth I convenient I fierce I • • • • solutions, and when we don't accept their
I do a lot of things myself.
experience solutions they stop listening. Men do that
I've had lots of things done recently.
/a1/ die I pie I lie all the time.
There was a l{ak in the bathroom so I got
. .
• •
/aia/ diet I anxiety I science I society that fixed. M No, we don't.
a1 Now I'm having the knchen pamted. P Of course you do, it's classic.
I'd never had my washing machine M Well, maybe we get listening fatigue. Like
CHARLOTTE the book says, you women use three times
serviced before.
When I bought this flat it was in a terrible as many words in a day as we do.
I'll get the glass replaced sometime this
state so the first thing I did was decorate N You can't say that, Matt.
all the rooms. In fact, I'm getting better at M Yes, I can. When you get back from work,
doing DIY. Yesterday, I put up some new a9 you just want to talk, but I've used up all
tiles in the kitchen myself. Now I want to my words for the day. I just want to sit in
I think all children should help in the home, front of the TV.
replace the tiles on the floor but I'm going
but every other parent I know complains P With the remote ...
to get a friend to come and help. Er, there that they get no help from their kids. None
are still things I wouldn't even try to do. M Yeah, but you still have, oh, um, about
of their kids will help with housework, but four or five thousand words left to say.
For example, I broke a window when I was
my two sons will do almost anything I ask P No, I don't. That's a myth. And anyway
putting the tiles up and I can't fix that. I'll
them to do! They even take our two dogs for you never listen to me.
get the glass replaced sometime this week.
a walk every evening and because neither my M I do listen to you. And there's another
RICK husband nor I get home before 6 p.m. both thing - women exaggerate.
I'm pretty good at DIY. I do a lot of things of the boys will make themselves something N Meaning?
myself. Er, I can do a basic service on my to eat. And if either of them stay out late M What Polly just said - 'You never listen to
car, you know, change the oil and check the they always let us know so that we don't me' ... I'm listening now, aren't I?
tyres and stuff. And I can fix most leaks, worry. I tell everyone how great the boys are, N But men exaggerate too.
things like that. When my washing machine but no one can quite believe just how much M No, they don't.
started to leak, I decided to get it serviced they do to help - all of my friends who have N They do. They, oh, they go on about how
because it seemed like a big job and I'd never kids are extremely jealous. powerful their car is, how gorgeous their
had my washing machine serviced before. a1o latest girlfriend is. That's exaggerating.
But when I called the engineer he said he M But that's about facts. Women exaggerate
about emotional stuff - they say things
charged £74 just to come to the house and POLL¥ ... yes, I love to curl up in bed with a
the service was on top - ridiculous! So I went good like, um, 'I'll never speak to you again' or,
er, 'you never think about other people'.
online, found a manual and did it myself NAOMI What are you reading at the P But Matt, I never say ... , oh, er, things
instead. It wasn't that difficult. moment, Polly?
P A book called Why Men Lie and Women like that.
JASON Cry. M See! Exaggerating.
Most of the time I get things done by N So, you two newlyweds, how is married
N Any good?
professionals. Ask me to put up a shelf and life anyway?
P Yes.
I'm in trouble. No, if I can't get my friends to MATT Yes, it's not bad. M Couldn't be better.
do things for me, I pay to get them fixed. I've P Oh yes, it could.
P You haven't read it, have you?
had lots of things done recently. Er, I had M I have read it, actually.
to get the boiler serviced because it wasn't P I bet you didn't agree with any of it.
working properly. Then there was a leak in