Page 176 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 176
3 We might have /av/ locked the keys in the M Ha•unted? You're pulling my leg! c Yeah, I bet you do! So what Options do
car. L Nvw1 I'm serious . you have?
4 She can't have /<w/ been / bm/ working M But ..... a two-bedroomed L Welh_I tho•ught ..... I might try Jj/,_,and get
• • • . • h L• d • • 1 .
all night. flat_m sout on on, not ..... a cast some help, but ..... I don't really know who
• •
s I may have /av/ sent it to the wrong Transylvania! • • to call ..... about this ..... sort ..... of thing ...
address. C Er, that's vampires, not ghosts, 32
. , . . . .
6 Your father must have /av/ been / bm/ youJ w 1)diot. AndJ nyway, there's no
•. •11 reason why her flat can't be ha·unted. astrology I astrological I astrologer
trying to ca you.
M Oh, so you behev£_m ghosts too, do you? photography I photographic I photographer
• f
• b y
29 C Er, we , may e. ou can't say or certam economics I economical I economist
LOUISE Now, what number do I call? they don't_exist. • • philosophy I philosophical I philosopher
• •
b .
ANGIE Try the internet. The phone company M So, tel!__us ..... a out your ghos; , Laura. environment I environmental I environmentalist
might have a number on their website. Does)t, um, wearJr;_a white she•et ..... and politics I political I politician
• h
L Good idea. Any interesting post? go woooo ? analysis I analYtical I analyst
A Yes, a postcard from my cousin. He's L NoJw;jt's, er, it's nothing like thk ilniverse I universal I universally
But I knew something was -34
travelling around South America for a • • • •
wron_g__as ..... soon_as I moved)n. No
year. • d h • . • •
L He must be having a good time. won er t e prev1ous ..... owners were so Listening Test (see Teacher's Book)
A Yes, he is. Hey, look at this envelope. ke•en to sell. • •
There's no name or address on it. C W hat do you mean, wrong?
L Well, first_o(an, cat
L Let me see. That's weird. Someone must
to my bedroom. In my last
have delivered it by hand.
A Who do you think it could be from? flat shej lept_on theJ j1J nd ..... 0£ my bed
every night, SOJw/_I thotght that was
L Well, it can't be from my parents, they're
in France .... Wow, look, it's my mobile! ratherJ r/ odd. • • t h
h - • .
A Great! I guess someone must have found M weu, t e previous_ owners' cat mig t
it. Have a look inside the envelope again. have slept)n that ro•om. Or they ca9uld
Whoever found it might have written a have had a dog.
L T hey did;'t cat_i>rJ r1 ..... a dog.
note or something.
L Oh, yes. Oh, there is a note. It says, Anyway, theJ jJ ..... other night,
'Louise, you left this in the back of my was lyin, bed reading, I heard
• "d
cab last night. Give me a call sometime. footsteps,_,outsi e my room.
• Id h ave een t e peop e next oor,
Here's my mobile number. Patrick.' M Cou _ b • h • 1 • d •
A Oh, wow, how interesting! Patrick must
. •
be that taxi driver you fancied. So, are L No._v1w/_it can't_ ave been t em,
h ey'rvr1 ..... awayJ j/ t e moment.
you going to call him? t • • • •
L Maybe - if I don't lose my phone again Anyway,J jO had ..... a look, but
first! there was there. And then one
' h I •
• h
mg t_ . 0 r rat h•
30 c Wow! What did she lo.ok like?
• h
b • f.
L S e was, er, et's see, s e was a out orty,
He co•uld have /av/ chosen to leave his
money to his children. dressed)n clothes from the filiies_I'd say,
and she was just standing there starin,
She sho•uld have /av/ left some money to her
m; . she just, um, just vanished ..... into
thin air.
Many peb ple would have /av/ reacted C H ow spo•oky! You been
• t . • • terrified.
She needn't have /av/ given it all away. L Ye•ah, I was, actually. Then ..... a coupk_of
• •
She didn't need to 1 • eave them her money. days laterJ rO saw herJ r/_agam. I
d •
• Id '
Whenever s h e wante to she cou give away wok£_up_and she was standin, the
. .
millions of pounds. corner. She was holding her hands out,
• •
She was able to leave $12 million to her dog. like this, as though she was_asking for
-31 • h' k • • •
• • M I don't t m she's the one who should
LAURA Hi, Chris. beJ j/)sking for help, Lt ura.
• •
CHRIS Oh, hi, Laura. c Leave her aione, M ark. SoJwf)s
L Go•od dayJ j/,_,at work? therv r1_anyt m,g_.e s£_unusual ..... about
C Yeah, not bad, thanks. Is M ark here yet? the flat?
L Yes, he's just getting_. us some drinks. L Let me think ... oh yeah, there's this, um,
• •
• •
MARK Hi, Chris. (Hi) Here you go. this part ..... of the kitchen that's ..... always
L Oh, thanks. freezing cold.
• •
M Cheers! M That's called the fridge.
Land C Che•ers! c Ignore him, Laura. He's the most
• • h. h.
• . 1 •
M So, Laur.a, ow, um, OWJ wc are you sceptica person ..... on t le p anet.
• fl. '
• l"
sett m,g_.m to your new atr L Anyway, I don't know what to do.
L Er, not very wel1J ctually. I think)t's M Well, I knOWJ w/_a go•od psychiatrist_!
ha•unted. can recommend.