Page 174 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 174

      R  Great! Shall we say 7.30?                  D  What?! Where on earth are we going to          was talking to any other investors, and
      M  Yes, fine.                                     get that kind of money?                       he said no. So it's up to us, really.
      R  Let me know where you're staying and I'll   M  Well, we've got ten thousand saved up,    D  Well, if you're sure, then let's just do it.
         pick you up.                                   and we could, um, take out a bank loan        It's only money, after all.
      M  Will do. Er, Rob ...                           for the rest.                             M  I don't think we'll regret it. I did make
      R  Yeah?                                      D  I'm not sure, darling. It's a huge risk.       one condition, though.
      M  What's this all about?                     M  Well, I asked how long it would take for   D  What was that?
      R  Tell you on Wednesday. See you then. Bye!      the business to make a profit. He thought   M  I told him that he had to name the coffee
                                                        about six months, maybe less.
      919                                           D  Does Rob know anything about setting           shop after you!

      1  She'll have /av/ moved o•ut by the end of      up a business?                            922
        the we·ek.                                  M  I think so. Look, he's given me a copy of   DAISY  Your email was a bit of a shock -
      2  I bet he'll be watching TV when we get         his business plan. We can go through it       CDRob trying to sell the coffee shop to
                                                        together this evening, if you like.           Cafe Pronto. I couldn't believe C'Dit!
      3  At ei ght o'clock he'll be driving to work.   D  Mmm,OK.                                  MIKE  No  me neither.
                                                    M  Anyway, he asked me to meet him in          D  I bet ®;ou were furious.
      4  We won't have / av/ seen everything by         Brighton on Saturday .                     M  You could say © hat, yes. I've, um, I've
        then.                           ,           D  Mike, I'm really not sure about this.          calmed down a bit now, though.
      5  They'll have / av/   home by the time we   M  I'm just going to talk to him, that's all.   D  So what do you think we should do?
        arrive.                                     D  Have you discussed this with anyone at      M  Well, let's look at the options. Option one
                        • k I'll b  l•·
           •  •
      6  This time next wee     e  yrng on a
                                                        work?                                         - we go along with Rob's plan and sell the
        beach.                                      M  No. Rob told me not to talk to anyone          shop.
      920                                               else about it - except you, of course.     D  We'd, um, make some money, so it would
                                                    D  OK, but promise that you'll discuss this       have been worth it financially. Twenty-five
      MIKE  Oh, that was a hard day. It's good to       with me before you do anything.               thousand profit in a year isn't bad, is it?
          be home.                                  M  Course I will. So, how was your day?        M  No, not at all. It'sjust that ... you know,
      DAISY  So, how did the conference go? Did                                                       I just don't want 0 our coffee shop to
          they like your talk?                      921                                               become another © branch of Cafe Pronto.
      M  Er, yes, I think so. Nobody walked out,
                                                    DAISY  Hello.                                     CDrhey're all the same, aren't © hey?
          anyway.                                   MIKE  Hello, Daisy. It's me.                   D  CDrhat's true. I'm not keen on the idea
      D  Well, that's good. So, um, you said that   D  Hi, where are you?                             either. You're very fond of 0the place,
          you had something interesting to tell me.   M  I'm still in Brighton. Rob's just left. He   aren't you?
      M  Er, yeah. I had dinner with Rob last night.    told me to say hello to you.               M  Of course. I know we don't go © here
      D  Yes, you said. How's he doing?             D  Thanks. So, how did the meeting go?            very often, but think of © all that work
      M  Well, he's working freelance now -         M  Very well, actually. First Rob asked me        we did getting 0it ready.
          magazine articles, that sort of thing. But    what I thought of his business plan.       D  How could I forget ©it? 0 All the
          Rob told me that he was planning to set   D  You thought it was good, didn't you?           cleaning and painting and stuff we did
          up his own business.                      M  Yes, I was very impressed, actually. He        with Rob. I quite enjoyed 0that, actually.
      D  Really? What kind of business?                 told me that the plan had already been     M  Yes, me too.
      M  He wants to open a coffee shop. You            approved by the bank - the one he wants    D  So, what's option two?
          know, with sofas, newspapers, good            to borrow £25,000 from.                    M  We, er, could just ® refuse to sell - Rob
          music, healthy food, Wi-Fi- somewhere
                                                    D  Oh, right.                                     wouldn't be able to sell without our
          you can really relax.                      M  And he said that he'd been talking to         agreement.
      D  Whereabouts?                                   an interior designer. You know, to redo    D  But he said he'd ® shut down the coffee
      M  In Brighton.                                   the inside of the shop. It's, um, it's a      shop if we did ®that.
      D  Oh, right.                                     restaurant at the moment.                  M  Yes, but I don't think he ®will. He still
      M  Yeah, he said he'd been looking for a good
                                                    D  Yes, you told me.                              needs the money, doesn't he? What else is
          location since August, and now, um, now    M  Also, he wanted to know if I'd help with      he going to do?
          he reckons he's found the perfect place.      the advertising, which, er, of course I'd be   D  I don't know, but he did sound pretty fed
      D  And where's that?                              happy to do.                                   up with working 0there.
      M  Between the seafront and The Lanes - you    D  Right. So, what do you think?              M  OK, so ®that's probably not a good idea.
          know, that nice old shopping area.         M  Well, it looks like an excellent investment.   D  Well, there is another option ...
      D  That's a good spot. Lots of tourists and       But of course, I told him I couldn't say yes   M  What's that?
          students.                                     or no until I talked to you.               D  We could buy Rob's share of ®the coffee
      M  Yeah, that's what I thought. And here's     D  Sounds like you want to go ahead with it.     shop and take over the business.
          the thing. Rob asked me if I wanted to go
                                                     M        to bei1onest, I think we'd be crazy   M  But who'll run ®the place while we're at
          into business with him.                       not to. Oh, and I said I'd be talking to the   work?
      D  But you've got a job.                          bank on Tuesday. You know, about the       D  We will. I could quit my job, and you're,
      M  Yeah, but he'd like, er, do all the work,
                                                        loan.                                          well, .x_ou're always saying how much you
          run the coffee shop and all that.          D  That shouldn't be a problem, though,           hate (g)working for that management
      D  So why does he need you?                       should it?                                     consultancy.
      M  He's looking for someone to invest in the   M  No, er, I don't think so. I asked Rob when   M  I don't hate ®it exactly.
          business. He said he could raise half of the   he needed a decision by, and he said by,   D  Yes, you do. You're always going on about
          money and he wanted to know whether I         um, by next weekend.                           how bored you are there and how you
          could come up with the other half.
                                                     D  Really? That soon?                             can't wait to leave.
      D  How much exactly?                           M  Yes, apparently he's not the only person   M  Yeah, well, OK ... But where will we get
      M  Twenty-five thousand.                          trying to buy the place. I asked him if he     the money from?
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