Page 168 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 168
M2 I'm doing a part-time business 0 That's because you're usually too busy,
management course at the moment, and um, playing that role-play game of yours.
Stress pattern 1: •• it involves quite a lot of work. So I'm Honestly, every time I ... I often come
well-dressed I strong-willed I laid-back I working on my iPad trying to catch up. home and find that he's been sitting in the
well-known N And why are you travelling today? study for hours, you know, fighting some
Stress pattern 2: •• • M2 I'm flying to Hamburg for some meetings. evil monster or something.
bad-tempered I world-famous I good-looking I I'm supposed to be seeing my first client I That's only when your mother comes to
self-conscious I well-written at 11, but I see the flight's been delayed. I stay.
doubt I'll be there in time now. 0 Ha ha, very funny.
Stress pattern 3: ••• •
absent-minded I open-minded I level-headed I N And how about you, madam? C They're, er, they're very addictive though,
WOMAN 2 Well, I've been looking round all those role-play games, aren't they?
easy-go mg
the shops. I have three kids and I never Yeah, and incredibly popular too. Any
Stress pattern 4: ••• get time to shop for myself, so I'm having number of people can play. Some of them
well-designed I well-behaved I self-assured I
a great time today. have, like, about half a million people
well-equipped N Have you bought anything? playing at the same time.
Stress pattern 5: e ••• W2 Yes, a handbag and some perfume. I'm M Really? Wow!
time-consuming I health-related also thinking of buying a camera, but 0 Well, the thing I love most about the
I think they might be cheaper online. internet is skyping people.
N And where are your kids now? M Do you, um, do you use Skype a lot?
Listening Test (see Teacher's Book) W2 They're with my husband in that 0 Yeah, I do, actually. Most of ... well, a
restaurant over there. My youngest is lot of my family live in the States, and
usually very good, but he's being difficult we kind of, er, keep in touch through ...
DAN According to a new survey out today, today. So we've decided to take it in turns we skype each other a lot - it's become
it seems we're spending more time than to look after them. a weekly thing, really. It's a great way to
ever waiting in airport departure lounges. N Thanks very much. So that's how people keep in touch and it means I can see my
So we sent our reporter Nicole Watson are passing the time at Heathrow today, nieces and nephews growing up.
to Heathrow to find out how people are Dan. Back to you in the studio. M Yes, it's wonderful. Much better than
passing the time there. D Thanks, Nicole. Now, these days many phoning people. And it's free.
NICOLE Thanks, Dan. Excuse me, madam, people seem to ... WAITER Excuse me, are you ready to order?
where are you flying to today? M Oh, er, no, sorry, we've been chatting.
WOMAN 1 Er, I'm going to Madrid. 923 Can we have, um, can you give us a few
N And can I ask how you normally spend CLIVE Ah, here's Ian. more minutes?
your time while you're waiting for your IAN Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late. W Of course. Let me know ...
flight? MOLLY No problem. Clive and I have only
Wl Well, I always download a few books just got here ourselves. f'j.)#•>7 924
onto my Kindle before I go on holiday. So OLIVIA So, um, so how was your first day 1
when I get to the airport, I usually find back at work? TONY Eddy, good to hear from you. How
somewhere quiet and read. Well, um, it was a bit of a nightmare, are you doing?
N So you just read until your flight is called? actually. EDDY I'm good, thanks. Listen mate, this
Wl Yes, that's right. Once I got so involved in 0 Oh, why's that? has to be short because I'm just about to
the book I was reading that I missed my I Well, I've only ... I'd only been away go to work.
plane. from the office for like, a week, but there T So how's life in Gstaad?
N Really? were over 500 emails in my inbox this E Anyway, the reason I'm ... Sorry. There's
Wl Yes, it was quite embarrassing, actually. morning! a bit of a delay on the line.
N And what about you, sir? How long have C Yeah, that always happens to me too. T Shall I call you back on the hotel's
you been here today? M Well, I love getting emails -well, from land line?
MAN 1 I've been sitting here for nearly five friends, anyway. Emails and social E No, don't worry. This is just a quick call
hours. networking sites, it's ... they're the main to say ... finishes ... week ... coming ...
N Wow, that's a long time! things I use the internet for these days. Monday ... I ... you'd like ... evening.
Ml Yes, there's a problem with the plane or C Apart from shopping, of course. T Sorry, you're breaking up a bit. I didn't
something. M Yeah, that's true, I do do a bit of shopping catch all of that.
N Oh, and how have you been spending online. E Er, is that any better?
your time? C A bit? Molly, please ... T Yes, that's ok. I can hear you now.
Ml Well, I really love people-watching and M Well, you see, it's so easy, isn't it - you E I said the job finishes this week and I'm
airports are just brilliant for that. Earlier sort of, like, click on a few icons, add coming home next Monday.
on, I recognised a couple of actors I've it to your online basket and that's that. T Really? Great!
seen on TV. Anyway, that's all I've been You don't ... it doesn't feel like you're E Yeah, and um, I was wondering if you'd,
doing, really. Oh, I've also called my spending money at all! you know, like to meet up in the evening.
parents to say goodbye. C It does when the credit card bill arrives ... T Yeah, course, that'd be great. Actually,
N Right. And the gentleman sitting next to 0 Yeah, I generally, um, I get a lot of things um, why don't I pick you up from the
you. How do you feel about waiting at online too, especially, er, downloads, you airport? I could leave work early, but
airports? know, e-books, music, films, things like don't tell your dad! Don't forget he's my
MAN 2 I can't stand it, to be honest. Luckily, that. boss.
I only live ten minutes away, so I usually C Um, we should start downloading films, E Well, it'd be great if you could, thanks a
check in as late as I can. Molly. We never have time to go to the lot. Um, I get into Heathrow at, er, let me
N And how are you spending your time here cinema these days. see ... 3.20 in the afternoon, UK time.
today? Yes, Olivia and I hardly ever go to the T What's your flight number?
cinema either.