Page 164 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 164
-33 A had / dd/ been /bm/ trfing to get 0 Did you get arrested?
rid of all the bugs for years. G No, luckily, they let me off with a
The dead kangaroo story
She hadn't read the warning. Then they marched me onto the
In 1987 the world's best sailors were plane and handed me over to the flight
competing in the America's Cup yacht 35 attendants.
race off the coast of Fremantle, in Western
OWEN So yes, I got two new clients, so it 0 How embarrassing!
Australia. One day, one of the sailors went
was a pretty successful trip. By the way, G Yeah, it was. Everyone was staring at me.
for a drive in the outback and accidentally
how was your trip to Poland? And in the end, to make things worse -
ran over a kangaroo. The sailor got out and
GILLIAN Fine, once I got there. the pilot announced that due to the delay
leaned the dead kangaroo against the side of 0 What do you mean - once you got there? (i.e. me) we had missed our slot and we
the car. Then he decided to put his America's Did you miss the flight? had to wait for another 45 minutes before
Cup team jacket on the animal and take a G No. Actually, I got to Heathrow in plenty we could take off.
few pictures to show his friends. However, it of time because it was such an important 0 Oh dear! So all in all you weren't the
turned out that the accident hadn't killed the meeting. I even did a bit of shopping, had most popular passenger on the flight!
animal, it had only knocked it out. While the a bite to eat and when I'd finished that, [No!] Anyway, how was the meeting
sailor was taking some photos, the kangaroo the departure gate still wasn't up on the with ...
came round. Realising that something was screen. So I took out my iPad and started fJl·B•>4 as
wrong, the animal immediately ran away - going through my emails. There were
taking the sailor's jacket, his passport, three loads of them. Anyway, I just didn't hear MARTIN Hi, I'm home. [Hi] Have you had
credit cards and $1,000 in cash with it. them call my flight. a good day?
0 But you didn't miss the plane. JUDY No, not really. Actually, it's been a bit
The cigar story G No, but I almost wish I had. of a nightmare.
A man from North Carolina had been 0 Why? M Oh dear. What's happened?
searching for a special make of cigar and
G Well, suddenly I heard - "This is the last ] Well, first I waited in all morning for the
eventually he bought a box of 24. He insured call for Ms Gillian Cook. Please proceed new TV to be delivered, but they never
them against theft, fire and water damage. to gate 25 immediately", and gate 25 was turned up.
Within a month the man had smoked all miles away. Meanwhile, everyone else M Oh, I don't believe it! Hadn't they
of them. He then made an insurance claim was sitting on the plane waiting for me! promised to be here today?
saying he had lost the cigars in a series 0 So, they were holding the plane for you? ] Yeah, but I'm not surprised, to be honest.
of small fires. The insurance company G I guess so. Anyway when I got to the gate, They'd already changed the date of the
refused to pay - knowing the man had there was no one there, not even anyone delivery twice. They're so disorganised.
obviously smoked the cigars. The man from the airline. I was pretty angry, though.
sued the insurance company and won. The 0 Really? Nobody at all? M Yeah, I bet you were.
judge ruled that because the insurers had G No. So I went through and there were ] Anyway, I called them and they said
not specified what kind of fire would be two possible directions - one down some they'd definitely be here next Wednesday.
unacceptable, the man's claim was valid. The stairs and one along a corridor. I went M Next Wednesday? You must be joking!
insurance company paid the man $15,000. down the stairs and found myself on the J That's, er, that's the earliest they could
But the man didn't get away with it. After tarmac and there was a small set of steps do, they said. I told them if they didn't
turn up next time, I'd cancel the order.
he cashed his cheque the insurance company going up to the plane. I thought they M Quite right too. That TV cost a fortune!
told the police what had happened and the seemed too small considering the size of
the plane - but anyway I was panicking ] And then, um, well, my laptop crashed
man was arrested on 24 counts of arson. He
by then. while I was on the internet. I think it's got
was fined $24,000 and faced a 24-month
0 I bet you were. a virus.
prison sentence.
G Yeah well, I just started to go up the steps M Didn't you install that anti-virus
The exploding house story even though I'd noticed the door at the software?
A woman from California had been trying to top was closed. How stupid can you get, ] Um, well, not exactly, no.
get rid of all the bugs in her home for years, honestly! Anyway, I suddenly heard sirens M Well, no wonder you've got a virus. I'll
but without success. Then, in December from all directions. And before I knew have a look at it later, if you like.
2001, she bought nineteen 'bug bombs', it I was surrounded by security guards J Thanks. What else? Oh, I got a call from
which are designed to spread insecticide over pointing guns at me. Jack's teacher.
a wide area. She put all the bug bombs in 0 What?! M Oh no, not again! What did he do this
her house, but unfortunately she hadn't read G Yes, I know. Apparently I was trying to time?
the instructions, which warned that no more get in the door that ground crew use. ] He was, um, he was caught fighting
0 I've never noticed a separate door. during the break.
than one bomb should be used at any one
G A.ccording to my dad, who knows about M You're kidding! Oh, that boy drives me
time, and they should never be used indoors.
these things, it's the door the ground crew crazy sometimes. I keep telling him to
All nineteen bug bombs went off at the same stay out of trouble. Why on earth doesn't
time, completely destroying the building and use when they need to check things with he listen to me?
the pilots. They don't have to keep going
causing over $150,000 worth of damage.
in through the terminal. J He said that the other boy started it.
A number of bugs were also hurt.
0 Oh, I see. Anyway, what happened? M Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?
34 G Well, I was trying to make a joke of it J He could be telling the truth, of course.
with the security guards. M Yes, perhaps. I'll go and talk to him in a
The man had /dd/ been / bm/ searching for bit. Where is he?
• . l .k f . • 0 They're not known for their sense of
a specia ma e o cigar. humour. ] In his room. Oh, there was one piece of
He an insmance c1: im he'd G You're not kidding! I thought they were good news. Eddy called.
the going to arrest me. I really did. I was M You mean your brother Eddy?
• • • •
The man hadn't killed the kangaroo. terrified. J Yes. Guess what? He's going to Gstaad
in Switzerland.