Page 161 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 161
C Are you? How long for?
hMi·> 9 9 S Two weeks. And I'd get an ice cream or something
CHLOE Sophie, over here! I got you a C For work or for pleasure? on the way home from school every day.
I hardly ever did any exercise. But then
coffee. S It's a holiday. First I'm going to my this Japanese guy, Hideo, joined our class.
SOPHIE Thanks, Chloe. Great to see you! cousin's wedding in New York ... He was so cute, I really liked him. I used
It's been ages, hasn't it? to see him out running every morning.
C Yeah, a couple of months at least. How's That's when I decided to get fit. And then
it going? 1 A I've just been told to go home. I read a lot of stuff about healthy eating
S Yeah, still doing the same part-time job B Who by? and I knew my diet had to change. And
because it means I can go to auditions 2 A We're going on holiday tomorrow. pretty soon I was running with Hideo,
if any acting work comes up. Otherwise B Where to? every day. Did you know Japanese people
pretty good, thanks. What about you? 3 A I'm going to the cinema tonight. -- have far fewer heart attacks than we do?
C Yeah, I'm fine. I'm still working at the B Who with? That's because they have a very low-fat
advertising agency and life's really busy 4 A We've borrowed £10,000 from the diet. They don't, er, they don't add fat
at the moment. bank. to anything, well, Hideo's mom doesn't
S Why's that? B What for? anyway. I'm always telling my mom to
C I'm, er, I've started doing some evening 5 A I've just got an email. stop cooking with butter, it's a killer.
classes. B Who from?
S Really? Like what, exactly? 6 A I've just sent an email. 915
C Well, last night I did creative writing. B Who to? I'm used to staying in t ese won er u en s
. h.
• .
• d f 1 t • t
It sounds fun, but actually it's quite 7 A Pete's staying with me at the moment. now.
challenging. B How long for? I'm slowly getting used to it.
S How do you mean? 8 A I need some information. • • • • d • . •
C Well, we have to write something in class B What about? It took me a while to get use to eating so
every week, like, er, yesterday I had to much • ' • d h 1· f f. t
imagine I was an animal and write a story 912 I certainly wasn t use to t e umps o a .
• .
about a typical day - things like that. 1 /s/ promise I house I purse I purpose I sense I'll never get used to bei ng outside in those
S Yeah, I see what you mean. What's the 2 / z/ advertise I noise I vase temperatures. • • d A.
.:. •
teacher like? 3 / z/ close I /s/ close I / z/ use I /s/ use I still haven't got use to irag.
C Oh, he's great, he's really enthusiastic 16
and supportive. He's, um, he's written 913
a couple of novels, so I guess he knows 1 advise I excuse I realise I license I close TRACY Are you still_advertising
what he's talking about. forJ r/_anotherJ r/_accountant?
2 close I exercise I practise I excuse I purchase
S I'm sure he does. What else are you 3 use I organise I use I refuse I noise HAL Yes, and we've started)nterviewing.
doing? PeterJ r/_and) saw a couplLof people
C Well, on Mondays I do a photography 914 this morning. And thereJ r/_areJr/_a
course. I got a new camera for my GUY Me? - I seldom pay any attention few moryrc applicants_on the list.
birthday and there are lots of things I I'm seeing_another two laterJ r/_on
to anyone who tries to tell me what I
don't know how to do. should or shouldn't eat, whether it's the this afternoolh..actually.
S Such as? government or anyone else. And anyway, T Ho; did the interviews this morning go?
C Er, things like, taking close-ups, or they frequently change their minds. Eggs H Well, to be honest, with the first guy I
getting the photos to print out properly, used to be good for you - high in protein, made my mind_up)n_about 10 seconds.
that sort of thing. In some ways it's even then they were bad for you - high in I just had_a hunch that he wasn't right
more difficult than creative writing. cholesterol, and now they're good for you company.
S Is it? How come? ANN What, you knew that)n 10 seconds!
again. And I'm ... we're always hearing
C Oh, well, there's a lot of theory, it even stuff about only eating organic food You didn't give him much_ota chance,
involves some physics! But doing evening that's grown locally - it's much healthier did you?
classes does help me relax more. for you. But I read an article which said H We didn't ask him to leave after 10
S In what way? the scientists found no difference in the seconds! We interviewed hlm forJ r/_at
C Well, you know, in my old job I used to nutrients in organically grown food least half an hour, but I didn't change my
work late most evenings. Now, I don't. him - nor did Peter.
compared to industrially grown food. A What was)t that you didn't like?
And I've found that if I force myself to And some reports say there are more
do something different in the evenings, it vitamins in frozen vegetables than in fresh H Er, it wasn't_anything)n particular.
helps me sleep better. ones. So, who do you believe? I think I'm There was just something__about
S Right. Maybe you should join my dance pretty healthy and I just eat what I like. I him. He had all the right
class too. That will tire you out. always have. For example, most mornings qualification;_and_everything. Can't
C What sort of dancing? I'll have toast and a lot of peanut butter put my 6.ngerJr/_on)t, really.
S Zumba. It's a dance exercise thing. and jam. And tonight I'll probably have a T lt's)nstinct, isn't)t? It's what that
C Oh yes, I think they do that at the place guy Malcolm Gladwell says. We
pizza! And you know what - my mom's
I go to. always complaining about my diet but she
S It's great. I go every Friday night. gets sick way more than me. someone, and it's_ often right.
C Really? Who with? A Malcolm who?
S With a few people from work. We're all, JASMIN Well, about a year ago I got T Malcolm Gladwell. He book
um, we're all beginners, but it's great fun. into running so most of the time I'm called Blink. He says we should go with
You should come, you'd love it. pretty careful about what I eat, but, er, our gut feelings moryr;_often.
C Well, I'll see if I'm free and I'll let you know. sometimes I'll eat junk food if I'm with H Is he just talking_about people? Er,
S Well, try and come tomorrow evening, friends. But I used to be so unfit and I first)mpressions_of people?
because I'm off to the US on Sunday. used to eat burgers and fries all the time. T No, anything, really. He just says we