Page 157 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 157
• We usually change the verb form in reported speech. • We make reported questions with:
verb form in direct speech verb form in reported speech (He) asked (me) question word + subject + verb
(He) wanted to know if/whether
Present Simple Past Simple
I have an idea. He said he had an idea. • In reported questions the word order is the same as in positive
Present Continuous Past Continuous sentences: I asked where he was. not I asked •vvhere was he.
I'm leaving. He said he was leaving. • We use if-Dr whether when we report questions without a
Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple question word.
I've done it. He said he'd done it.
• We don't use the auxiliaries do, does and did in reported
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous questions: "What do you think?" -+ He asked me what I
I've been working. He said he'd been working.
thought. not hie asked me what I did think.
Past Simple Past Perfect Simple
I woke up late. He said he'd woken up late. TIPS
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous • In reported questions, the changes in verb forms are the same
I was sleeping. He said he'd been sleeping. as in reported sentences.
Past Perfect Simple no change possible • We can use an object with ask:
I'd seen it before. He said he'd seen it before. He asked ... or He asked me .. . .
Past Perfect Continuous no change possible REPORTED IMPERATIVES AND REQUESTS
I'd been waiting. He said he'd been waiting.
• To report imperatives, we use:
am/is/are going to was/were going to told + object + (not) + infinitive with to.
I'm going to do it. He said he was going to do it.
ROB-+ MIKE "Don't talk to anyone else about it."
will would
I'll call them. He said he'd call them. MIKE-+ DAISY "Rob told me not to talk to anyone else
about it."
can could
I can do it. He said he could do it. • To report requests, we use:
must had to asked + object + (not) + infinitive with to.
I must go. He said he had to go. ROB-+ MIKE "Can you meet me in Brighton on
MIKE -+ DAISY "He asked me to meet him in Brighton
• The modal verbs could, should, would, might and ought to
on Saturday."
don't change in reported speech.
• Say doesn't have an object: I said (that) not I said her (that). 1;1@1@m;J!•• ----------------
Tell must have an object: I told him (that) not I told (that).
• The Past Simple doesn't have to change to the Past Perfect m Discussion language (3) 11 D II p94
Simple. It -can stay in the Past Simple.
• We don't have to change the verb form if the reported sentence • • • • •
is about something general or is still in the future: "I've got a car." One thing we could do is (use ... )
I wonder if it'd be a go•od ide·a (to have .. . )
-+He said he's got a car. "I'm going to Africa next year." -+ • • • • •
She said she's going to Africa next year. I know! Why don't we (give ... )?
i·ve got an idea. How abo·ut (glving ... )?
• We sometimes change time expressions in reported speech:
tomorrow -+ the next day; next Monday -+ the following Monday;
this week -+ last week; last month -+ the month before, etc. That so·unds llke a good ide·a.
Well, it's worth a try.
• •
REPORTED QUESTIONS Yes, that makes sense.
• Look at these pairs of sentences. Notice the way the second Yes, that could work.
speaker reports the first speaker's question. REACTING NEGATIVELY TO IDEAS
ROB-+ MIKE "Do you want to go into business with me?" Personally, I'd rather we dldn't (use a celebrity).
MIKE-+ DAISY "Rob asked me if I wanted to go into OK, maybe we should avo d (using celebrities).
business with him." The main problem with (TV ads) is that ...
• •
• •
ROB-+ MIKE "Can you come up with the other half?" I'm not sure that's such a good idea.
MIKE -+ DAISY "He wanted to know whether I could come
up with the other half."
MIKE-+ ROB "How long will it take for the business to So what you're saying is that ...
Am I right in thinking that ... ?
make a profit?"
Are you saying that ... ?
MIKE -+ DAISY "I asked how long it would take for the
Can we just go over thls again?
business to make a profit."
· -