Page 160 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 160
Audio and Video Scripts
m1 T But the Open University is much more J No, he isn't. But she does know him, he's
flexible. Everything's online so I choose Nicky's ex-boyfriend!
I started studying Spanish after I went to when and where I want to study. ms
Argentina on holiday last year. I'd never J That is an advantage, I suppose. And I
been to South America before and I couldn't had to take out a huge student loan to A
speak a word of Spanish. While I was cover my fees and expenses. HENRY
travelling around the country, I picked up T At least I didn't have to do that. My worst exam moment appene w en
d h• I
enough words and phrases to get by. J So how long is it going to take you to was caught cheating by: my milm after a
I was told that my pronunciation was quite finish your course? history exam. I really liked history classes,
good, so when I got home I decided to learn T Well, that's the other good thing - it's up b ut I idn't have a very goo memory. o,
• d •
Spanish properly. A friend recommended a to me. Some people get their Master's in on the morning of the exam I wrote
school and I've been going there for about one or two years, but most people take of important facts and figures on the insides
six months. I always enjoy the lessons and longer. Your Aunt Gayle was hoping to do of my shirt cw s. I made sure t at I got to t e
the language is taught in an interesting way. her first degree in four years - it actually exam roo m really early so I could sit at the
I think that I've learned a lot since I started. took eight. back. I manage to answer quite a ew
It's not all fun, though - at the moment I'm J Did it? questions using the stuff I'd written on my
T Yes. But she got there in the end. Don't
studying for my first exam! shirt. I was terrified that I was g; ing to get
m2 forget she was looking after the children caught, but luckily the teacher never
at the same time.
J Do you think you'll have finished your noticed what I was d; ing. Stupidly, tho.ugh,
TONY Jess! I didn't think you were coming. • • • • h. h
degree by the end of next year? when I got home I, er, I was so appy t e
JESS I couldn't miss my favourite uncle's exam had finished that I just got changed
T No, I don't. But I'm quite optimistic - I
birthday, could I? o•ut of my schoo l clothes and left them on my
T Well, I am honoured! Nice to see you. think at the rate I'm going, I should finish bed. Anyway, while I was playing fo•otball
You're looking well. before my eighty-fifth birthday! wit my nen s m t e par , my mum came
f fl d. h . k
J And so are you - I can't believe you're m3 to get my dirty clothes so that she could
T Sshh, don't tell everyone. So how's uni ANSWERS 1a 2b 3a 4b Sb 6a do some washing. She found the shirt and
going? m4 immediately what I'd done - she
J It's pretty good. I'm in my final year now, was absolutely furious, of co·urse, and
but I might stay on and do a postgraduate 1 He hasn't decided which college he's going stopped my pocket money for thre9e months.
to yet.
degree in business. It taught me a lesson though, and, um, I've
T Oh, good. And you know I'm studying 2 When I've finished my degree, I'd like to never cheated at anything since.
again, don't you? do a PhD. B
J Yes, Mum told me. You're doing an Open 3 She's waiting to hear if she's passed YVONNE
University course, aren't you? her exams. My worst exam nightmare was definitely
T Yes, I am - at long last. It's something I've 4 She doesn't think she'll go to the my French oral exam. When I was at school
wanted to do for ages. tutorial today. - this was, um, over twenty years ago
J What course are you doing? 5 I've started a Master's and I'm really now - kids weren't taught how to actually
T I'm doing a Master's in computing and enjoying it. speak French, we just did loads of grammar
IT. Finding it pretty difficult, actually. exercises and translated texts and stuff.
J Oh, I was told you're really enjoying it. 5 So I knew quite a lot of grammar and my
T I am, but I have to say I found the first TONY Hello, Jess. Your aunt and I were just
few assignments a bit scary. talking about you a minute ago. written French wasn't too bad, but I didn't
J So does everyone at the beginning. Don't JESS How's everything going? Have you have a clue how to have even the most basic
worry, it does get easier. finished your essay yet? conversation. I think I did quite well on the
T Maybe, but it's difficult, juggling my T Yes, I have. I finally handed it in yesterday, written papers, but when it came to the oral
studies, family and work. but it really did take ages to write! exam, I, um, I couldn't understand a word
J Yes, it must be. How do you manage to J You worked really hard on that, didn't the examiner was saying to me.
do everything? you? He seemed to be speaking incredibly fast,
T Sometimes I don't. T Yes, I did. By the way, I hear you've met and I just got so nervous I couldn't think.
J Nor do I. And I don't have all your someone new. A guy called Tim. Is that The only thing I knew how to say was 'Je
other commitments. I guess it's hard to right? ne comprends pas' - which means 'I don't
motivate yourself, studying on your own J Yes, it is. f wasn't going to tell anyone. I understand', of course. So every time the
all the time. was trying to keep it a secret. Honestly, examiner asked me a question, I just said,
T You don't have to study on your own. this family! Did Aunt Gayle tell you? 'Jene comprends pas'. That was all I said
There are tutorials you can go to every T No, she didn't. It was your mum. in the whole exam! The examiner probably
month and the online support you J You haven't told anyone else, have you? thought I was an idiot, but at the end of
get from tutors and other students is T No, I haven't ... well, only your cousin the exam he did tell me that I had very
excellent. Nicky. good pronunciation. I still failed though,
J Right. But I have a great social life with J Oh no, not Nicky! I do hope she doesn't obviously!
my friends at uni so I think I'd still prefer find out who it is. That's a disaster!
to be on campus. T Is it? Why? Does she know this guy? Is he
a student too?