Page 165 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 165

       M  The ski resort! Wow! That's fantastic       ZOE  Hi, Abby. I'm fine, thanks.              So this rime next we·ek we'll be walking
           news. I didn't think he had any money.     A  And how are Rick and Alice?                round Eton College.
       J  He doesn't. He's going to work there -      Z  Oh, they're fine. Alice's doing her end-of-  Where will you be staying?
           um, bar work, I think. Anyway, he says        term exams at the moment.                  Will you be working that day?
           he needs a break from going to auditions   A  How are they going?                        Rick won't be coming with us.
           and being rejected all the time.           Z  WeII, she did so little preparation I think   -4
       M  Yes, I can imagine. He's been to quite a       she's going to fail some of them.
           few auditions recently and he hasn't got   A  Oh, I'm sure she'll be fine.               ZOE  I spoke to Abby. She's coming to Eton
           a single acting job. It's a bit of a problem   Z  Anyway, the reason I'm calling is that    with us.
           being his brother-in-law and his agent. I     we're heading down to your part of the     RICK  Oh, good. Which day are we going?
           wish I could help more. Did you ask him       world next week on holiday.:...            Z  Monday.
           to come to the barbecue this weekend?      A  Really!                                    R  Fine. By the way, I'm going to buy a video
       J  No, I forgot. I'll call him again later.    Z  Yes, we're going to Windsor.                   camera at the weekend. I thought it'd be
       M  Anyway, I'm dying for a cup of tea. Do      A  Where are you staying?                        nice to take one on holiday with us.
           you want one?                              Z  We're staying in a bed-and-breakfast for a   Z  Your brother Mike's got one he never uses.
       J  Mmm. Yes, please.                              few days. Rick found a really cheap deal       Maybe we could borrow it. Will you be
       M  Oh, and is there anything to eat? I'm          on the internet.                               seeing him before we go?
           starving.                                  A  Well done. It's not easy finding cheap     R  Yes, I'll be seeing him at the match
       J  Dinner's in the oven. So, how was your         deals at this time of year. Windsor is         tomorrow. I'll ask him then. Actually, I'll
           day?                                          packed out during school holidays. Have        call him now. Then he can bring it with
       M        er, I had quite a good day, actually.    you got any plans for while you're here?       him tomorrow.
           Guess what? ...                            Z  Not really. But we're going to take Alice   Z  Good idea. Anyway, where's the
                                                                                                        babysitter? The film starts in half an hour.
       -37                                               to Windsor Castle, of course. She really      We're going to miss the beginning.
                                                         likes history. Rick's not too keen, but I
       Saying you're surprised                           think we've talked him into it.            R  Oh, I'm sure she'll be here soon.
       I don't belteve it!                            A  WeJl, I'm sure he'll enjoy Windsor Great   Z  By the way, Mum asked us to lunch on
       You must be joking!                               Park. That's really lovely.                   Sunday at 1.
       You're kidding!                                Z  Right. I'll tell him. That'll cheer him up.   R  I'll be playing football then .
           •    •  h  •     h  l'       . ,           A  And what else have you got planned?
       Why on eart  doesn't  e  1sten to mer                                                        Z  Oh yes. I forgot. I'll call and tell her.
          •   h.   f   •  .   •                       Z  Well, we're going to visit Eton College.
       Wow, t  at's  antast1c news!
                                                         Oddly enough, Rick really wants to go            5
       Saying you're not surprised                       there. He says he's going to complain      PRESENTER  Whether you find them cute or
       I'm not surprised, to be honest.                  about the standard of politicians they         you're frightened of them, we all know
         . . .
       I  bet you were.        .  '                      keep giving us!  Actually, we were             that in the streets of London there are
       Well, no wonder you've got a vuus.                                  more and more foxes taking up residence.
                                                         wondering if you'd like to come with us.
       Well, he wo•uld   that, wo•uldn't he?          A  Sure. I have been on a tour of the college     And with us today we have Rachel
       Yes, I can imagine.                               once before, but I'd love to go again -        Hudson, who has made a documentary
                                                         it's fascinating. By the way, there's a        about our urban foxes. Rachel, what first
       -38                                               documentary on about Eton. It's on BBC2        interested you in this subject?
                      strong        weak                 tomorrow night. I think it starts at 8.30.   RACHEL  Well, I was looking out of my
        are           /a:/          /a/               Z  Great. We'll watch it. Which day would         window one morning and I saw a pair of
        can           /kren/        /kan/                you like to go to Eton?                        foxes playing with their cubs in the garden.
        do            /du:/         /da/              A  I'll fit in with whichever day suits you.      I couldn't believe my eyes. Here we were
        does          /dAz/         /daz/             Z  Well, we're driving down next Monday           in the middle of London. The last thing I
        has           /hrez/        /(h)az/              and Eton's on our way. So we could go          expected to see was wild animals.
        have          /hrev/        /(h)av/              then.                                      P  You say you were surprised but were you
        was           /woz/         /W'dZ/            A  Hang on a minute. I'll just write that         also scared?
        were          /w3:/         / wa/                down. Monday, you said.                    R  Not really - they looked so cute. The
       91                                             Z  Yes, but that's a weekday, of course. Will     perfect family. And in principle I like the
                                                         you be working that day?
                                                                                                        idea of there being lots of wildlife in my
                                /az/  butterflies.    A  Don't worry, I'll just take the day off.       garden.
       The                         km, the            Z  Right, that's settled. I'll go ahead and   P  So, what aspect of urban foxes did your
                           became.                       book a tour for Monday afternoon. We'll        programme focus on?
                                                         be passing by your place on the way to     R  I looked into how different neighbours
                k; i is getting
       more lucrative.                                   Eton, so we'll call you when we're nearby      in the area dealt with foxes. Some people
          •   •               •             •.d          and we'll come and pick you up. And then       would treat the foxes as potential pets.
                        /az/         /az/ I pa1
                                                         we can take you back afterwards.               They even bought meat and dog food
       for my house.
                                                      A  Sure you don't mind? I don't want to put       especially for them.
       The normal pric£)S nowhere            /az/        you out.
       high __    that.                                                                             P  Really? They fed them?
             •         •        •   h    •            Z  No, it's fine. So, this time next week we'll   R  Yes, but others saw them as a health
                '  .
       The bigger they are, the more t  ey cost.         be walking round Eton College and we           hazard. A lot of the foxes had mange - an
       They're slightly bigger than     the              can catch up on all the news. I actually
        •   •   got.                                     met someone ...                                awful skin disease - and many of them had
                                                                                                        very little fur left.
       &2                                                                                           P  So, initially you thought they were quite
                                                                                                        cute, but did your attitude change at all as
                                                               •  .  b.  •
       ABBY  Hello, Zoe! How lovely to hear from      We'll be passmg  y your p ace on t  e way         you were filming?
           you. How are you doing?                    to Eton .                                     R  Yes, as time went on I realised there was
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