Page 162 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 162

                            decisions_about things       kitchen for a five-year-old.               J  No. They got out of the car and just
          and we do it almost)nstantly.              V  But life's dangerous for a five-year-old.      ran away. But then - get this - when the
       H  He's suggesting it's_a good thing, is he?      They're always falling down and things.       woman got into the car she realised it
       T  Pretty much. Yes.                              And I don't mean ... I'm not suggesting       wasn't hers. Her car looked identical, but
       A  Does he           things like      first       you leave the kids on their own. You're       it was parked nearby.
          sight?                                         there supervising everything.              C  Poor guys! Did they get their car back?
       T  I don't know for sure, but yes, he         C  But surely it slows everything down if     J  Yes, the woman went to the cops to
          probably does. Why, do you?                    they're helping you.                          confess and when she arrived, the four
       A  Well, that's what         to my            V  Yes, I suppose that's true, actually, but on   men were there, reporting the theft of
          unclLand his wife. They saw                    the other hand they're learning valuable      their car.
          each_otherJ r/..:.,across a room)n_a library   life lessons.                              A  Was she charged with anything?
          when they weryr/_about 17 - it was         C  Mmm. That's a good point. You might be     J  No. No one was hurt. But if she'd shot the
                 first sight. They got married_as        right there.                                  men, she'd have been in serious trouble.
          soon_as they could.                        A  Well, I'm still not convinced. And what    A  No charge. That's ridiculous. She
       H  And are they still together?                   can a five-year-old do to help in the         threatened them with a gun. If the men
       A  Well, they've just had their 25th              kitchen, anyway?                              hadn't run away, she could have killed
          wedding_ anniversary.                      V  Little things ... let them get things for you   them.
       H  So a bit too soon to tell, eh?                 or let them wash vegetables. Just simple   C  Yes, but no one was hurt, Arnie.
                                                         things.                                   J  That's not the point. The point is there
       m19                                           C  You mean, sort of make it a game. [Yes]        are 80 million people in this country

       or!ginate I originality I origin I original I     But I've never seen your son cook, Val.       carrying guns - well, 300 million guns
       originally I                                  V  Well, I can't argue with that.                 to be precise and that doesn't include the
       realism I reality I realistic I real I realistically I   C  No, I mean, do you think little boys are   illegal ones. And you don't even need a
       really I                                          interested in helping in the kitchen?         permit to buy one!
       recogmse        '  .   I     '  bl  I         A  That's a bit sexist.                       C  Oh, here we go. Arnie's rant about guns
             .  I recogmt1on  recogmsa  e
       recognisably I                                C  I wasn't being sexist. I just mean that        again. And by the way, you do need a
       prefer I preference I preferable I preferably I   little boys ... er, well, little boys ...     permit in the state of New York.
       responsibility I responsible I responsibly    A  Usually want to kill each other.           J  But Arnie's right, you don't need a permit
                                                     C  Well, yeah, there is that!                     in most states.
       WMi·>2                                        V  And anyway, it's important boys learn      A  Chuck, I agree, people have the right to

       COLIN  Sorry, more plates.                        how to cook, don't you think?                 defend themselves and their property, but
       VAL  Thanks. Are the kids alright?            C  I suppose you've got a point there. Right,     we've got a serious problem here. Just the
                                                         I'll go and get Ben. Tell him he's cooking
       C  Yes. Judy and Martin are playing party                              other day a guy in our street was arrested
          games with them in the garden. Your            tonight!                                      for shooting the tyres of a car which was
          grandson's having a lovely birthday, Val.   921                                              parked outside his apartment, just, er,
          [Yes]  Can I help in here?                                                                   well, just because the alarm kept going off
       AMANDA  Yes, please.                          responsible  responsibility                       in the night.
       C  Look, Jack and Helen have eaten            courage  courageous                           C  Well, I wouldn't have been too happy if
          everything. Ben's hardly eaten anything.   disapp; int  disapp; intment                      the alarm had woken me up. They drive
          What a waste. One bite of an apple, oh,    Japan  Japanese   . .                             you crazy.
                                                       .  .
          and birthday cake, of course!              mountam  mountameer                           A  But you wouldn't have shot the tyres!
       V  Don't worry about it. It's best just to let   meaning  meaningful  meaningless           C  No, of course not. If it had been me,
                                                     . .  .  ...
                                                                   •  .  l
          kids eat when they want.                   economy  econom1ca                                I might have left a note on the car, or
       A  I don't know about that. I think it's      1magme  1magmat10n                                something.
          important for kids to get used to good     danger  dangerous                             J  What happened to him?
          eating habits as early as possible. That's   foo lish  fo•olishness                      A  Not sure. I think they got him for
          what I did with Helen, anyway. Right       '    .    .    .                                  vandalism - and he, er, well, had to pay
                                                     1nterv1ew  1nterv1ewee
          from the word go. I think you should       •                                                 a fine, or something .
                                                     industry  industrious
          make them stay at the table until they                                                   J  And what would he have done if he'd
          finish their food.                               22                                          actually seen the owner of the car? I mean,
      V  I can't really see the point of forcing kids                                                  the guy with the gun was seriously angry.
                                                     creativity I adventurous  geographical 1
          to eat. I think that just makes kids hate   trainee  I development I advantageous I      C  Yeah, well, we'll never know. But I bet
          meal times and then food becomes a         volunte•er I Vietnamese I refuge•e I cleverness I   Arnie would have locked him up and
          bigger problem.                            familiarity I mysterious I hUmourless I           thrown away the key. Eh, Arnie?
      A  Oh, do you think so? I think if kids aren't   forgetful   -                               A  Ha! Too true!
          allowed to play until they've eaten their                                                      2sm2s
          food, they soon learn to empty their       m23
          plates and then they're not fussy eaters.                                                1  If I hadn't gone to the party, I wo•uldn't
      C  I see what you mean.                        JOANNE  Did you hear what happened at the       have met her.
      V  Oh, I wouldn't say that. I wasn't strict       parking lot near here yesterday?           2  He wo9uldn't have known about it if you
          with any of my kids and they used to eat   CHUCK  No, what?                                hadn't told him.
                                                     J  This woman had been shopping and
          anything. All you have to do is make it       when she went back to the parking lot      3  If you'd be.en more careful, you might not
          fun, like letting them help when you're       she saw four men in her car. So she took     have got hilt.
          getting food ready.                           a gun out of her purse and threatened to   4  If I could have helped her, I would have
      C  I see your point, but we don't let Ben help    shoot them.                                  done.
          in case he hurts himself.                  ARNIE  Whoa! Did she fire the gun?            5  If Dave had known when your flight was,
      A  That's right. It can be dangerous in a                                                      he could have picked you up.
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