Page 163 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 163
TIP • Words in pink are weak forms. ag: in immediately. We may as well have T No - it won't take me long. Anyway,
what else did the police say?
921 revolving doo rs in our prisons. • c They said they're not very hopeful about
• • • • M Bur the t h ree stn es system doesn't work. finding whoever it was, but they found
• 1'
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PRESENTER Government figures out today D I'd ike to know what evidence Margaret
f k . .
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h s ow t at t e cost o eenmg a person m has or saymg t at. lots of fingerprints.
prison for one year has risen to £40,000 M Plenty - the prison population in the T Right.
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and a 1 our prisons are overcrowded. So US is 2.3 million and the US spends c And whatever it is the police use on the
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what can we do ro reduce the prison $68 billion a year on prisons, what fingerprints leaves a really greasy mark on
population? To discuss this question we more evidence ... everything. It's going to take ages to clean
have Chref Superintendent David Gilbert it off.
and Member of Parliament Margaret 28 T Would it help if I did that for you?
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Bo ton. First, Margaret Bolton, you strong weak c No, that's OK. I can manage.
• d ,..
b l e ieve we sen rar too many people to T Well, if you're sure.
prison, is that right? can /kren/ /kan/ c Yeah, it's OK. Anyway, enough about me.
. .....
MARGARET Absolutely. The figures sneak was /woz/ /waz/ How are things with you? When are you
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for themselves. There are about 95 ,000 were /W3:/ /wa/ off to see your new man in Prague?
prisoners in the UK at the moment and has /hrez/ I /(h)az/ T Well, I was supposed to be going on
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that costs about 3.8 billion pounds a have /hrev/ /(h)av/ Friday, but I'm not sure I can go now.
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year o taxpayers' monev. An most o f are /a:/ 11a1 I can't find anyone to house-sit and look
• •11 b
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t h e peop e we sen to prison, not a , ut do /du:/ /da/ after the dog.
most, er, are m for the t or other mmor you /ju:/ /ja/ c Well, why don't I do that for you?
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crimes. These people would be much at /ret/ /at/ T Do you mean it?
better off in programmes which could the /6i:/ /6a/ c Yes, of course.
help them find work and become useful a /e1/ /a/ T Well, it'd be wonderful if you could.
. ' . . .
members of soctety. an /ren/ /an/ c Right, that's settled then. What if I picked
P So you thmk we shouldn't give prison for /fa:/ /fa/ up the keys on Thursday?
sentences for minor crime? of /ov/ /av/ T No, don't worry. It'd be easier if I brought
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M Yes. Last year 60,000 people were to /tu:/ /ta/ them to you on Friday morning. I think
sentenced to less than a year for minor from /from/ /fram/ I'll have to work late on Thursday. I'll
crimes. Most of those only spent about as /rez/ /az/ get some food in for you and put it in the
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45 days in prison and that works out at and /rend/ / an(d)/ freezer.
/C'>at/ ..,
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a cost of over £4,000 per prisoner. It that /C'>ret/ c As long as you don't mind.
• h
wou Id b e muc cheaper to retrain these them /C'>ern/ /C'>am/ T No, nor at all.
• If • ' • • • your /j:>:/ /ja/ c That'd be great.!hanks.
people and fmd them jobs. After all, 60%
of short-term offenders commit another but /bAt/ T So what would you like?
crime within a ye•ar. c Oh, you know, something simple. A few
P And David Gilbert, do you agn!e with l1'·'i•>3 929 bottles of champagne, some Russian
Margaret Bolton? TINA Hi Chloe. I'm sorry it's taken so long caviar and ...
•11 f •
DAVID We , o course, I agree we have to to get back to you. I've only just got your T Oh, yes, right! Anyway, I'll see you on
h. '
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re duce t e prison popu atton, t at s message. Friday.
obvious. And I agre•e we have to stop CHLOE Hi Tina. 30
criminals reoffending. I belreve we need T Are you OK? You sounded in a terrible •
f d •
some sort o eterrent. omet mg that state. Would you like me to come round? A Would you like me to come ro•und?
will make criminals think twice before C No, it's OK, but thanks for offering. I B No, it's oK, but thanks for offering.
• • £.
they offend ag: in. feel much calmer now I've spoken to the A Let me sort that out or you.
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P Sow at's your solution to the problem? police. B Thanks. That'd be a great helf>.
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D I think we should introduce a system T How did that go? Are you sme you wouldn't mind?
thev use in the USA called the C Well, they were here for about two hours A w ould it helP. if i did that for you?
h' h • '
t'.k 1•
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stri es aw. W ic , put simply, means and they were very thorough. And they B No, that's OK I can manage.
if someone is found on thre·e told me how to make the place more
different occasions they are automatically secure - new locks and things. A Why don't i do that for you?
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sentenced to anywhere from 25 years to T I'll get those for you if you like. B Well, it'd be wonderful if you could.
life in prison. C No, thanks. I'd better get them myself. A What if I picked up the keys on Thursday?
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P 25 years to life in prison! No matter what I know exactly what's needed. B It'd be easier if I bro•ught them to you on
the crime is? T Did they get much? Friday morning.
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D No, m most states its rea y on y or C The police? A I'll get some fo•od in for yo•u and put it in
serious, violent crimes. But as I s: id it's a T No, the burglars. the freezer.
goo d deterrent. If you've already been in C Oh. Well, they emptied my jewellery box, B As long as you don't mind.
prison twice and you know that if you took some cash and my iPod. But the
go before a judge ag: in and you're found worst thing was they took my laptop! 32
guilty you'll go to f rison for life - Y.Ou'd T Your laptop! Did you back everything up? 1 I'd probably give a lot of it away to
probably think twice before committing a C Said like a true IT person, Tina - yes, I • .
... .
third offence. I've dealt with people who did. c h arity.
have re-offended 48 times. They steal, T Well, when you get a new computer, let 2 I think I'd cho•ose the president of the
t h ey go to pnson for a very short time me sort that out for you. USA. • •
- t h ey come out and do the same thmg C Oh, brilliant! Thanks. That'd be a great 3 I'd have chosen Alex.
help. Are you sure you wouldn't mind? 4 I'd have met up with frtends for coffee.
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