Page 167 - Face2Face Uper Inter
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going. But of course I'm bound to be a bit INTERVIEWER When you buy clothes, do J Er, I'm rather pushed for time right now.
nervous when I get there. you prefer to buy one quality item or Can it wait?
M Well, you're sure to make a memorable several cheaper ones? C Um, yes, it's not urgent. It's just about the
impression on them. Er, with your hair, Well, I don't want them to fall apart as soon report you asked me to write up. When
I mean. as I put them on. But how well they're made would be convenient?
B Oh, no. I'll dye it again before I go. I'm or what the material is, isn't that important, J Try me again in a couple of hours.
not going with green hair. What do you no. I mean, fashion changes all the time and c Right.
take me for? if you want to keep up-to-date, you need ... 4
M Oh right. That's probably wise. unless you've got loads of money, you can't JUDY Come in. Oh, hello, Amanda.
S So what colour will you go for? afford to buy new stuff that often. So cheap AMANDA Hello, Judy. Are you busy?
B I daresay I'll go for something a bit less and fashionable - really. That's..-what It° for. J I'm afraid I am a bit. Is it urgent?
bright. A No, not really. I just wanted to go over
M What, purple? INTERVIEWER Do you like wearing these figures. Er, don't worry, some other
B Ha ha. No, I might go for something jewellery? time.
boring like yours, Mickey. I love a bit of bling, a bit of gold, but some J Yes, give me an hour or so - can't get
M Nothing wrong with brown. people go over the top, don't they? They're my head around money matters at the
S You could go back to blonde. That was covered in it. But that's more about letting moment.
nice. Oh, I think Laurie's calling you, the world know you've got loads of money. A OK. See you later. Thanks.
Beatrice. He's over there. Anyway, I just have this gold chain and
B Right. He's likely to have something to this ring. Oh, and yeah, I nearly forgot, 5
say about my hair! my earring. That was a present from my JUDY Yes?
M You never know, he may like it. girlfriend. COLIN Judy, can I have a word?
B Yeah right! OK, better go. INTERVIEWER Do you think women look J I'm really rather busy right now, Colin,
S Tell him we like it. better with or without make-up? but what's the problem?
M Yes, tell him it'll cheer the patients up! C Er, I don't suppose I could use your office
If it's a party or something, then yes, it's nice any time today. It's just that I get so many
912 to be with a girl who looks a bit glam - so interruptions out there I can't get any
it's fine then. But it depends, doesn't it - work done. What have I said? What's so
I can't imagine L: urie will approve.
where she is and what's she's doing? If you're funny?
I don't suppose Beatrice will care.
I da9ubt if he'll let her work on reception. off to the beach or if you just want to go out J And you think it's any better in here?
He mh well have to let her. for a walk, then I think it looks better if she's &11
• •
He's unlikely to find someone to replace her. - if she doesn't wear any make-up - she just 1 Sorry to bother you, but have you got
looks more natural. But I know loads of girls
But I shouldn't think he'll care. a minute? b
who always wear it. They wouldn't be seen
I'm bo9und to be a bit
v , • . k • bl . • . dead without it. 2 Is this a good time? a
1ou re sure to ma ea memora e 1mpress1on. 3 Sorry to disturb you. b
I daresay I'll go for something a bit less hMi•>6 m 1s 4 I was wondering if I could see you for
1 a moment. b
He's likely to have something to say abo'tit
•. JUDY Yes? 5 Are you busy? a
my h air. TINA Sorry to bother you, but have you got 6 Can I have a word? b
a minute?
&13 m1s
J Sorry, Tina, this isn't a good time. I'm
INTERVIEWER Are you worried about still really up against it at the moment.
having that tattoo when you're sixty? 1
T Oh, OK. Just a quick question. When • • h b h. •
Do you mean, think would be a good time to install some new A Sorry to bot er you, ut ave you got a
about whetherJ rO'll still like it or not? software on your computer? minute? • • • • • •
it doesn't J Er, tomorrow? B Sorry, this isn't a good time. I'm really up
because I never T Fine by me. I'll do it first thing tomorrow ag: inst it at the moment.
the future. What's the point? morning. A I'll catch you later, then.
You could fall underJ rc a bus tomorrow. J Thanks. 2
And anyway, I love this design. I think 2 A Is this a goo d time?
it's beautiful. It's not like I've got my first JUDY Hello. Judy Baker speaking. B I'm I'm a bit tied just now.
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. •• cl
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b .
h h .
boyfriend's name tattooed on MARTIN Hi, it's me. Is this a good time? A I JUSt wante to as you a out t e ouse
NoJ w/)t's fine. I'm sure I'll still like it even J Oh, not really. I'm afraid I'm a bit tied up insurance.
when I'm 60. just now. Is it important? 3
INTERVIEWER Would you feel the same M No, don't worry. Just wanted to ask you A Sorry to distmb you. I was wondering if
' ' .
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about your trainers if they weren't a about the house insurance, but I'll catch I could se•e you for a moment.
well-known brand? you later. B I'm rather pushed for time nght now.
• •
It's about yourJ r/)mage, so no way. But it's J Thanks. Oh, oh, and Martin, can you A When would be a good time?
not just label, is it? pick something up for dinner?
loads of labels but some are just so not cool, M Sure. See you later. Bye. 4
A Can I have a word?
I wouldn't near them. What J Bye. • • • ' h •
B I'm really rather busy ng t now.
• ,
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you put on your feet counts, and these are 3 ADon t worry, 1t s not important.
sweet. Everyone can see them. JUDY Come in. Hello, Chloe.
check out what other people are wearing. CHLOE Sorry to disturb you, Judy. I was
wondering if I could see you for a moment .
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