Page 156 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 156

          an advertising campaign /krempem/  a series of advertisements for
          a particular product or service
          an advertising budget / bAd31t/ the amount Of money available to
          spend on an advertising campaign
          the press  all the newspapers and magazines in a particular country
          the media / mi:dI<}/  all the organisations that provide information to
          the public (newspapers, TV stations, etc.)
          a le.aflet  a piece of paper that advertises something or gives you
          a free sample  a small amount of a product that is given away free
          desi gn / d1 zam/  make or draw plans for a new product, building, etc.
          launch / b:ntJ/  make a new product, book, etc. available for the first time   She's handing out leaflets.   He's giving away free
          viral marketing  product promotion that relies on customers telling                                             samples.
          other people about the product through their social networks
          bi llboard  a large sign in a public place used for advertising something                                  •            •
                                                                                                      •  •
                                                                                  • We can say an advertisement, an advert or an ad.

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      -       Describing future events; Future                                   POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE
      Perfect  11A E1  p88                                                       •  We make the positive and negative forms of the
                                                                                     Future Perfect with: subject + will or 'II/won't+ have +
                                                                                     past participle.
      •  We use the Present Continuous to talk about an arrangement                  I'll have done it by midday.
          in the future: I'm having lunch with my boss tomorrow.                    I won't have done it by ten o'clock.

          We make the Present Continuous with:                                   QUESTIONS
          subject + am/are/is + verb+ing.
                                                                                 •  We make questions in the Future Perfect with :
      •  We use the Future Continuous to talk about something that                   (question word) +will+ subject+ have+ past participle.
         will be in progress at a point in time in the future: Sorry,  I'll be       What time will you have finished?
         interviewing people for our graduate trainee programme then.
         We make the Future Continuous with:                                     • We often use by with the Future Perfect to mean 'before
          subject + 'II(= will) +be + verb+ing (see IH;MM&M;tf>).
                                                                                 this time': I'll have left the office by six o'clock.
      •  We can use will be in the middle of something to describe an
                                                                                 • We also use by the time + clause, by this time next week,
         action that will  be in progress at a point of time in the future:
                                                                                 month, etc. and by the end of the day, week,  etc. with the
         I'll be in the middle of a meeting at four.
                                                                                 Future Perfect: Hurry up! The film will have started by the
      •  We can use will be on my, his, etc. way to somewhere to say             time we get there.
         that a person will be travelling at a point of time in the future:
         I'll be on my way to Southampton at eleven.
                                                                                 llfJ Reported speech  11 B Ill p91
      TIP                                                                        REPORTED SENTENCES
      • We can also use be in the middle of something and be on my, his,
                                                                                 •  Look at these pairs of sentences. Notice the way the
      etc. way to somewhere to talk about the present: I can't talk now,
                                                                                     second speaker reports what the first speaker said.
      I'm in the middle of cooking.
                                                                                     MIKE-+ DAISY     "I have something interesting to
      FUTURE PERFECT                                                                                  tell you."
      •  We use the Future Perfect to talk about something that will be              DAISY-+ MIKE     "You said that you had something
         completed before a certain time in the future: I'll !}ave arrived by                         interesting to tell me."
         lunchtime. (=some time before lunchtime).                                   ROB-+ MIKE       "I'm planning to set up my own
      •  Look at this sentence and the diagram: I'll have finished giving the
                                                                                     MIKE-+ DAISY     "Rob told me that he was planning
         talk by three thirty.
                                                                                                      to set up his own business."
                                                                                    ROB-+ MIKE        "I've been looking for a good
                                                                                                      location since August."
       ...... x                                                                     MIKE-+ DAISY      "He said he'd been looking for a
                                                                                                      good location since August."
       past    NOW     start giving        finish giving   3.30   future
                         the talk            the talk
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