Page 83 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 83
Vocabulary household jobs
Grammar have/ get something done,
Ho\N practical are you? get someone to do something, do
something yourself
QUICK REVIEW Suggestions Work
El a Which of the things in 1a do the women in your family usually
in groups. Imagine you are planning
do and which do the men usually do?
to spend tomorrow evening together.
Take turns to make and respond to b Work in pairs. Compare ideas. Are any the same?
suggestions. Decide where you're going
to eat and what else you're going to do. Listening
IJ a 91 Listen and circle the things each person can do, if any.
Who is: very practical, quite practical, not very practical, not at all
Vocabulary and Speaking practical?
Household jobs Charlotte: decorate a flat replace a window put new tiles up
Rick: fix leaks service a washing machine do a basic car service
D a Which word/phrase doesn't go with
Jason: fix a leak service a boiler put up a shelf
the verb? Check new words/phrases in
Pam: decorate the house change light bulbs and batteries check tyres
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1 change a battery/a leak/a light bulb b Work in pairs. Who said these sentences, Charlotte, Rick, Jason
or Pam?
2 put up shelves/a lock/some tiles
3 put in new lighting/a burglar alarm/a duvet a Most of the time I get things done by professionals. Jason
4 fix a leak/the roof/a key b I get my husband to do most jobs round the house.
5 check DIY/the tyres/the oil c I usually have the decorating done professionally.
6 decorate a flat/a room/a bath d I do a lot of things myself.
7 replace a lock/a flat/a window e I've had lots of things done recently.
a dry-clean the floor/a suit/a duvet f There was a leak in the bathroom so I got that fixed.
g Now I'm having the kitchen painted.
9 cut wood/a window/a key
1 o service a car/clothes/a boiler h I'd never had my washing machine serviced before.
I'll get the glass replaced sometime this week.
b Work in pairs. Think of one more
word/phrase for each verb in 1a. c Listen again and check.