Page 87 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 87
Vocabulary compound nouns
VOCABULARY and adjectives
10C AND SKILLS Battle of the sexes Skills Reading: A quiz; Listening:
a discussion about gender roles
QUICK REVIEW Quantifiers Work in pairs. Use these
words/phrases to talk about the people in your class: no one, Research shows ...
all of, none of, every, everyone, anyone, each: No one is ill today.
1 The widespread belief that women talk
more than men is, in fact, true. According
-- to Professor Leona Tyler, at the University
Reading and Speaking of Oregon, the female begins to out-talk the
male shortly after infancy. She talks more
D a Look at the quiz. Write True (T) or False (F) next to readily, longer and faster.
statements 1-10.
2 Studies found that the average woman
b Work in pairs. Compare answers. Give reasons for your choices.
requires more sleep than the average man.
c Read what the psychologists and sociologists say and check This is quite a drawback for high-powered
your answers to 1a. Was any information particularly surprising? working women.
3 Psychological studies show conclusively that,
while minor emergencies tend to upset a
Gender Quiz woman more, in a really bad crisis she is likely
to remain calmer than the average male.
4 Psychologists have found that women are
.. -. ., , :,...,,- -- more self-obsessed. They have fewer outside
How much do you know interests than men and are more preoccupied
about men and women? ;
with personal concerns and problems.
1 Women are more talkative
than men.
2 Women get by on less sleep • HELP WITH VOCABULARY
than men. •
• Compound nouns and adjectives
3 When faced with a major FJ a Look at the compound words in blue
crisis, a woman is more • and pink in the quiz and the article. Answer
likely to have a breakdown •
• these questions .
than a man. •
• 1 Which of these compound words do
4 Women tend to be more • you know?
self-obsessed than men.
2 Can you guess the meaning of the other
5 Men talk more about compound words from the context?
women than women 3 Which are nouns and which are adjectives?
talk about men.
b Fill in the gaps in these rules with
6 Men are more easily bored
than women and have a adjectives or nouns.
shorter attention span. • Compound are usually made
from noun + noun or verb + preposition.
7 Women are more truthful
than men. • Compound are usually written as
8 Men complain more about • one word or two words.
minor and non-existent • • Compound are usually spelt
illnesses. • with hyphens.
9 Women are better • c Check in llMfflMl!fl!;ijui• p149.
at problem-solving
than men. EJ a Write five compound words from the
10 Men tend to be more article that are connected to your life in
optimistic and someway.
good-humoured b Work in pairs. Take turns to explain why
than women.
you have chosen these words.