Page 88 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 88
5 University of Minnesota 8 We can hear the women's
investigators found that women protests - "Hahl You should
discussed men far more often than see my husband when he
men discussed women. Women has a cold! " Nevertheless,
talked about men more often than in a study of over 5,000
about any other subject - except men and women, it was
other women. Men's conversations found that women had a
were more frequently devoted to far greater tendency to
business, the workplace, money, exaggerate virtually all types
sport, other men and then women. of complaints and ailments.
6 Studies show that men are 9 A two-year study
more restless than women conducted at Stanford
and much more easily bored University demonstrated
by repetitive action. They lack that generally men are as
women's capacity to adjust to much as 50 percent more
monotonous conditions. Possibly proficient than women
one reason women are less bored in solving complicated
by monotony is that they are problems.
more given to introspection
10 Studies conducted by
and daydreaming.
University of Southern
7 Psychological tests at De Paul California psychologists
University showed that generally show that women
men told more lies and made up are more subject to
more far-fetched excuses feeling depressed and
for things. downhearted than men.
Listening and Speaking • HELP WITH LISTENING Contradicting
II a & 10 Listen to Naomi, Polly and Matt El a & 11 Listen and notice the words that Matt
discussing the roles of men and women. Put these • stresses when he contradicts Polly and Naomi.
things in the order they first talk about them. • Then choose the correct words in the rules.
a things men and women exaggerate • POLLY I bet you didn't agree with any of it.
b a book called Why Men Lie and Women Cry • MATT You're wrong, I did agree with it .
c being married • POLLY Men do that all the time.
d problem-solving • MATT No, we don't.
e whether men or women talk more • NAOMI You can't say that, Matt .
b Listen again. Answer these questions. • MATT Yes, I can.
1 Who hasn't read Why Men Lie and Women Cry? • • When we want to contradict someone, we often stress
2 What did Matt think of • the main verb/auxiliary.
the book? •
• • We always/sometimes repeat the main verb.
3 In what way do men • b &12 Listen to five pairs of sentences from the
solve problems • conversation. Write the auxiliary that the second speaker
differently from women? •
• stresses when he/she contradicts the first speaker .
4 According to the book,
do women use three or a Work in groups. In what ways do you think men and
six times more words women behave differently? Think about their attitude
than men?
to these things.
5 What sort of things do
men exaggerate about? family friends work money free time
6 What sort of things do activities housework cooking problems
women say when they sport driving arguments TV holidays
b Tell the class two of the things your group
disagreed about.