Page 85 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 85
The youth of today Vocabulary adjectives for views and behaviour
Grammar quantifiers
QUICK REVIEW Household jobs Write two nouns that can follow
these verbs: change, put up, fix, replace, dry-clean, service. Work Reading
in pairs. Take turns to say two nouns. Your partner guesses the
El a Read the article. What is Maggie
verb: A a battery, a light bulb. B change.
Dawson's opinion about youth
discrimination? Which statements in
1 a do you think she would agree with?
Vocabulary and Speaking b Read the article again. Tick the
Adjectives for views and behaviour correct sentences. Correct the false
a Work in pairs. Which of the words in bold do you know? Which adjectives
1 Maggie Dawson believes elderly
are positive, which are negative? Check in fli!ffi1:11!(1;\jnf> p149.
people suffer more discrimination
1 It's fair to say many articles written about young people are extremely biased. than young people.
2 Public transport employees often have to deal with threatening behaviour 2 The GRAE survey showed that
or abusive language from young people. more than half of the young people
3 It's unfair to blame society's problems on young people. interviewed thought they had
4 No wonder young people feel resentful when all they get is bad press. experienced prejudice.
5 It's reasonable to be suspicious when groups of young people gather together. 3 Groups of young people are
sometimes refused entry into shops.
6 Young people with a very disciplined home-life are less likely to get into trouble.
4 Bus drivers don't always stop if they see
7 Many adults are prejudiced against young people and don't give them
groups of young people at a bus stop.
a chance.
5 The police generally have a good
8 Teachers are often unable to control unruly behaviour in class.
relationship with groups of young
9 The media isn't objective when it reports about the youth of today.
people they come across in the street.
b Work in the same pairs. Which statements in 1a do you 6 Barbara Hearn doesn't feel
agree/disagree with? Give reasons. young people deserve the
same rights as everyone else.
t seems that everyone is talking negatively discriminated against.
I about the 'youth of today'. Every TV A recent survey undertaken by
programme on the subject shows the Children's Rights Alliance for England
threatening young people. Each new (GRAE) shows that 49% of the 7 to 17-year-olds
programme suggests that no one is safe surveyed have experienced unfair treatment
from their abuse as we walk the streets of because of their age. Around a quarter of them
our cities and travel on public transport. say they are treated unfairly during everyday
It's hard to find anything that shows activities. Shopkeepers routinely follow them
young people in a positive light. And each around the shop or exclude them, bus drivers
time I see biased reporting showing how won't stop for them and when they are in
selfish and unhelpful young people are, groups, the police order them to move on.
my blood boils! All of the young people I know are aware
In this country we think that modern society treats them unfairly. I've
the elderly suffer the greatest got two sons, aged 14 and 16, and both of
discrimination, but read any of them have been stopped from entering shops
the reports written on youth with their friends because there is a policy of
discrimination and anyone can see only allowing two 'youths' in the shop at one
that young people are probably time. Neither of them have a record of unruly
the largest group in society to be behaviour and they resent the implication that