Page 89 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 89
WORLD Real World adding emphasis
D Work in groups. Discuss these
1 Do you prefer inviting friends around
for a meal or meeting them in a cafe
or restaurant? Why?
2 When was the last time people came
to your home for a meal? Who came?
What did you cook/eat?
fJ a fJj.]j•>10 &13 Watch or
listen to Judy and Martin talking at
home. Then tick the true sentences.
Correct the false ones.
1 Judy wants Martin to tidy up the
living room.
2 Judy's parents got lost on their way
to the house.
3 Martin wants Judy to go and buy
the salad.
4 Harry and Val used a map because
their satnav broke.
5 Judy made the apple pie herself. REAL WORLD
6 Val thinks the house is untidy. Adding emphasis
b Watch or listen again. Fill in the gaps with one or two • We can use introductory phrases at the beginning
words. of a sentence to emphasise what we are going to
say next.
1 The thing I don't like about this house is there aren't enough
places to a Look at these two patterns for introductory
2 One thing I love about you is you always laugh at phrases that add emphasis. Do sentences 1-6 in 2b
match pattern A or B?
3 The thing that amazes me about your mother is she still
can't read b Check in l;lfijl9M;mlt18• p151.
4 One thing that annoys me about you is you never give me
time to a map. A
5 What I like about the is it's so cosy. (don't) like
The thing
6 What worries me about the lack of storage space is I have to One thing love about ... is ...
leave all my stuff What hate
c Work in pairs. Compare answers. Who said the
sentences in 2b: Judy, Martin, Val or Harry?
• The thing that annoys
• One thing that me about .. . is ...
• worries
• What
• upsets