Page 95 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 95
Vocabulary verb patterns (2):
reporting verbs
The coffee shop Skills Reading: an email; Listening:
a conversation about a problem
QUICK REVIEW Business collocations Write three
work and three business collocations: work freelance,
make a profit. Work in pairs. Compare lists. Then take
to: daisy371
turns to make sentences about people you know with
the collocations on both lists: My friend Wayne wants to coffee shop
work freelance.
Hi Daisy
Speaking, Reading and Vocabulary Hope your day's going well. I've just phoned Rob and
reminded him to sort out the staff wages and I'm
Work in groups. Discuss these questions. afraid something's come up. The good news is that the
coffee shop is still doing very well - Rob mentioned
1 Where is your favourite coffee shop or cafe? Why do you like it?
that the profits were up 20% last month. However,
2 When did you last go there? What did you have?
the bad news is that he wants to give up running the
3 What do you think are the three most important things for a business. He explained that he found the work really
good coffee shop to have? exhausting and then he blamed me for not letting him
hire enough staff. As you know, he agreed to run the
El a Look at the photo. Rob and Mike's coffee shop has shop on his own for the first year and I pointed out that
been open for a year. How well do you think it is doing? we'd already taken on two extra waitresses to help him.
Then he told me that Cafe Pronto - the big coffee shop
b Read Mike's email to his wife, Daisy. What decision do
chain - has offered to buy the business! I got really
they have to make?
angry and accused him of talking to people behind
c Read the email again. Tick the true sentences. Correct my back - after all, we are partners. At first he denied
the false ones. doing anything wrong, but eventually he admitted that
1 The coffee shop isn't making money at the moment. Cafe Pronto had contacted him a few weeks ago. He
apologised for not telling me sooner and promised
2 Rob doesn't want to work there any more.
to be completely honest and open with me from now
3 Rob has been talking to another company without telling Mike. on. Apparently Rob's already talked to his bank and
4 Rob's bank thinks selling the coffee shop is a bad idea. they've advised us to accept the offer immediately.
5 If they sold the coffee shop, Rob and Mike would make They also recommended starting the paperwork as
£50,000 profit between them. soon as possible. Rob claimed that we'd both make
6 Mike and Daisy have been invited to Rob's place this weekend. £25,000 profit from the deal - then he threatened to
close the shop if I didn't accept the offer. At that point
I was so angry I refused to discuss it any further and
hung up. After I'd calmed down, I called Rob back
and persuaded him not to talk to Cafe Pronto again
without me being there. I've also insisted on seeing all
the correspondence between him and Cafe Pronto and
warned him not to try and hide anything from me again.
He suggested meeting up this weekend and invited me
to go round to his place on Saturday to try and sort this
mess out. So you and I need to decide what to do -
have a think about it and we'll talk when I get home.