Page 98 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 98

      El  a  Write Amanda and Colin's conversation using these                 •   HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION
           prompts.                                                            •   Stress and rhythm (4): emphasis and meaning
                                                                                   a  &  24  Listen to these sentences. Notice how
                                                                                   the extra stress on one word affects the meaning.
                                                                                   1  I THOUGHT Ann would come.
                                                                                      (She's here.  My prediction was right.)
                                                                                   2  I thought Ann would COME.
                                                                                      (She's not here. My prediction was wrong.)
                                                                                   b  Listen again and practise.

                                                                                   a  Read the sentence in pink. Then match
                                                                               •   responses 1-5 to meanings a-e .
                                                                               •  Susie owns a flat in Leeds .
                                                                                   1  I think she's RENTING it.
                                                                                   2  I THOUGHT she owned that flat.
                                                                                   3  JAMES owns that flat.
                                                                                   4  I thought she owned a HOUSE there.
                                                                                   5  I think the flat's in BRADFORD.
           AMANDA  I know! Why I we use cartoon characters?
                                                                                   a  Tom said she didn't, but I knew I was right.
              I know! Why don't we use cartoon characters?
                                                                                   b  I don't think she owns it.
           COLIN  I I not sure I such I idea. I think we need some
                                                                                   c  You're thinking of the wrong person.
             real people.
                                                                                   d  I don't think it's in Leeds.
           A  Yes, maybe you're right.
                                                                                   e  I don't think it's a flat.
           c  I thing we I do I show someone drinking the product.
           A  Yes, I make I sense. I about I use I some attractive                 b  &  2s  Listen and check.
                                                                                   c  Listen again. Take turns to say the sentence
           c  Personally I rather we I not use I models. They always           •   in pink in 2a and responses 1-5 and a-e .
             look so false.                                                    •
           A  So I you I say I is I you want ordinary-looking people.
           c  Yes, exactly. The kind of people who might actually
             go out and buy Go!.                                                     continue21earn
           A  Well, it I worth I try.
           c  I wonder I be I good idea I show how much fruit
             is in it?                                                        •  Vocabulary, Grammar and Real World
           A  Yes, that I work. OK, I we I go I this again?                       •  Extra Practice 11  and Progress Portfolio 11  p125

           b  Work in pairs. Compare answers.                                     •  Language Summary 11  p152

                                                                                  •  11A-D Workbook p55
      m a  Work in groups. You are going to design a campaign                     •  Self-study DVD-ROM 11  with Review Video
           for a new product. Discuss these things. Use language
           from 4a and make notes on your decisions.
           •  What is the product?
           •  a name for the product
           •  a logo or a slogan

           •  who the product is aimed at
           •  what is different about it
           •  how you're going to advertise it
                                      r-     ------.
            I know! Why don't          That sounds like
            we make a healthy         I a good idea.    .--l
            snack for children.                                               •  Reading and Writing
                                                                                  •  Portfolio 11  Formal and informal emails  Workbook p84
                                                                                     Reading two emails asking for and giving information
           b  Work with students from other groups. Take turns                       Writing making arrangements in informal and more
           to present your campaign.
                                                                                     formal emails
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