Page 101 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 101

                                                                                                        Vocabulary  vague language expressions
                               A  great inheritance                                                     Grammar  modal verbs (3): past forms
                                                                                                          and related verbs

         QUICK REVIEW  Colloquial words/phrases  Make
         a list of six colloquial words/ phrases: stressed out,
         a hassle, etc. Work in pairs. Swap lists. Take turns
         to make sentences about people you know with                          Who do the wealthy leave their money to?
         words/phrases from your partner's list.                               Millie Donaldson

                                                                                 t's not always easy for          have very different ideas
                                                                               Iwealthy people to decide          about who they should leave
         Vocabulary  Vague language expressions                                who {or what) to leave their       their money to.
                                                                               money to when they die                Bill Gates, co-founder of
         D  a  Match the words/phrases/suffix in bold to                       and quite a few of them            Microsoft, is rumoured to be
              meanings a or b. Check in llMQ;!:il!fll;tifl> p155.              make some very unusual             worth in excess of $54b and
                                                                               choices.                           he's decided to leave the vast
                a  approximately      b  a large amount                           Due to her vast wealth,         majority of this fortune to
                                                                               New York hotelier Leona            charitable causes. Of course,
                                                                               Helmsley was able to leave         like most other parents,
              1  I've got tons of
                                                                               $12m to her dog, Trouble.          he could have chosen to
              2  I spend somewhere in the region of                a           The money for the dog's            leave his money to his
                 month on public transport.
                                                                               welfare was left in the hands      children, but he hasn't. When
              3  It's roughly  _         kilometres from home to here.         of Leona's brother, Alvin          talking about his children's
              4  Loads of my friends                                           Rosenthal.  He also inherited      inheritance he said,  "It will
              5  There must have been              odd people at the           money from his sister, but         be a minuscule portion of my
                 last party I went to.                                         amazingly he received              wealth. It will mean they have
                                                                               $2m less than the dog!             to find their own way. They
              6  The vast majority of people in this country ___ _
                                                                               Leona isn't an exception.          will be given an unbelievable
              7  It takes me an hour to get to           , give or take        According to the MailOnline        education and that will
                 ten minutes.                                                        be paid for. And certainly
                                                                               newspaper, there are
              a  I'm going to visit __       in a week or so.                  roughly 1.5 million people         anything related to health
              9  A great deal of my time is spent                              in the UK alone who plan to        issues we will take care of.
                                                                               leave money to their pets.         But in terms of their income,
             10  Some people I know spend a huge amount of money
                                                                               However, there are other           they will have to pick a job
                                                                               extremely rich people who          they like and go to work."
             11  After class I usually get home about           ish.
             12  I usually go to bed around  __ _       p.m.

              b  Choose six sentences from 1a. Then complete
                                                                            El  a  Read the article again. Underline the parts of the
              the sentences to make them true for you.
                                                                                 article that tell us these things.
              c  Work in pairs. Take turns to tell each other your
                                                                                 1  Leona chose someone to take care of her dog.
              sentences. Ask follow-up questions if possible.
                                                                                 2  The writer was surprised by the amount Leona's
               I've got tons of work  I What have you got to do? I                  brother inherited.

               to do next week.                                                  3  Bill Gates will only leave a small amount of money
                  ,,,-                                                              to his children.
                                                                                 4  He will financially help his children in certain areas
         Speaking and Reading                                                       of their lives.
                                                                                 5  Even before Anita Roddick died, her children knew they
         El  a  Work in pairs. What are the advantages and                          wouldn't get any money.
              disadvantages of getting a large inheritance? If you had
                                                                                 6  The writer has respect for how Anita Roddick's
              a large fortune, who would you leave it to and why?
                                                                                    children reacted.
              b  Read the article quickly. Complete these sentences.
                                                                                 b  Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
              1  The story about Leona Helmsley is different from the            1  Do you think Leona was right to leave so much to her dog?
                 others because ...
                                                                                    Why? /Why not?
              2  The stories about Bill Gates and Anita Roddick are              2  Do you think Bill and Anita's decisions about their children's
                 similar because ...
                                                                                    inheritance were fair? Why? /Why not?
              3  The stories about Bill Gates and Anita Roddick are              3  In your country would it be acceptable to do what these
                 different because ...
                                                                                    people did?
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