Page 106 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 106

                                  Which prepositions do      Choose the correct
          Talk about and          we use with these          words.
           compare two            adjectives?                1 I'm so/such close to Jo,
                                  1 shocked, sick, sure,       she's as/like a sister.                                  FINISH
         Interesting places         excited                  2 I made so/such a lot of
                                   fond, disappointed  e       money working as/like a
         you have
                                  2 fascinated, famous,
                                                             What are the crimes        What's the difference
                                                                                                                    Choose the correct verb
                                                             and criminals for these    between these sentences?
       Say eight words/                                                                                             form in the sentence.
                                                             verbs?                     1 I stopped watching TV
       phrases connected to:                                                                                        1 This time tomorrow we'll
                                                             1 steal, burgle, shoplift,   at six. I stopped to watch
       1 books and reading                                                                                            drive/be driving home.
                                                               rob                        the news.
       2 phones                                                                         2 I remember buying milk.   2 I'll be writing/have written
                                                                                                bered to buy milk-&
                                                             2 mug, s.muggle, murder,  9   remem  .J                  it by the end of May.  9
                                                               vandalise                  1                   W
                                  Put this question into                                Put the sentence into the   Which verb pattern comes
                                  reported speech.                                      passive.                    after these reporting
          MOVE FORWARD            1 What do you think of my                             1 Someone's interviewing    verbs?
                TWO                 new coat?                                             Lee at the moment.        1 claim, warn, blame,
             SQUARES              2 Can you let me know by                              2 They might fix the
                                    Sunday?                                               computer tomorrow.        2 accuse, point out, deny,

       Correct the mistake in                                                                                       Correct the mistake in
                                                             Explain the meaning of
       the sentence.                                         these prefixes and give                                the sentence.
       1 If he'd have a car, he'd    MOVE BACK TWO           an example for each one.                               1 He warned me not
         drive to work.                  SQUARES                                             walking across the park.
                                                             1 pro-, multi-, re-, under-
         hadn't been so tired. e                             2 anti-, pre-, mis-, ex-                                 stealing the diamond. e
       2 I'd go out last night if I                                                                                 2 They accused him for

                                  Choose the correct verb                               Explain the meaning of
                                  form in the sentence.                                 these adjectives.             l81k aboOt a book
                                  1 Tim's written/'s been        MOVE FORWARD           1 strong-willed, open-          or film that you
                                   writing dozens of articles.         TWO                minded, bad-tempered             enjoyed.
                                  2 They playedl 've been           SQUARES             2 absent-minded, easy-
                                   playing golf since 1.30. G                             going, self-assured   A

                                                             Correct two mistakes in
       Which prepositions do                                 the sentence.                                          Correct the mistake in
                                                                                                                    the sentence.
       we use with these verbs?                              1 It's twice as big than my   Talk about thl'1QS
       1 convince, cope,                                       car, but not any hard to    in 1ffe that annoy       1 That's the shop I bought
         succeed                                               drive.                             you.                the food.
       2 insist, base, protest                               2 The more old they are,                               2 My dad, that is 50, is
                                                               more they cost.     8 .___ ________ ..,.               unemployed.

                                  What are the nouns and
       Are both verb forms                                                                                          Explain the meaning of
                                  adjectives for these
       possible in the sentence?                                                                                    these words/phrases.
       1 When I was 10, I used to   1 criticise, originate,     f8Jk about your                MOVE BACK            1 a deposit, a mortgage,
        have/'d have a pet rabbit.                                Sdlooldays.                    THREE                pay sb back, rip sb off
                                    convince, judge
                                                                                                                                 ck sth out e
       2 He's always losing/always   2 weaken, prefer,                                          SQUARES             2 a hassle, mess sth up,
        loses his ;  ·      O       conclude, recognise   G                                                           chill out, i
                                                                                                        __ __,

                                  What's the difference
                                                              Which verb pattern
                                  between these                                           Talk about tipping
                                                              comes after these verbs?
          START                   1 I've fixed my car.   ....._ 1 persuade, refuse, let,    and other social            MOVE FORWARD
                                                         ..,..  finish
                                   I've had my car fixed.                                     rules in your
                                                              2 end up, manage, force,          country.                   SQUARES
                                  2 I could have gone.
                                   I should have gone.  CD     had better          0 L--------G
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