Page 107 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 107
Pair and Group Work: Student/Group A
1C Ill p13 3C IJ p29
a Work on your own. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of a Work on your own. Read about a crime that
the verbs in brackets. happened in the UK. Then write five words/
phrases to help you remember the crime.
1 Have you ever tried tal5Jng natural medicines to cure an illness?
2 Did anyone help you your homework when you were A 34-year-old London postman was the
a child? (do) mastermind behind a £20 million cheque
3 Which songs do you remember when you were at book fraud. The man stole cheque books
primary school? (sing) from post office sorting offices and then
used them to withdraw money from
4 When you were a child, did your parents ever let you
up late? (stay) people's bank accounts.
5 Has anyone ever forced you something that you didn't
want to? (study) b Work with the other people in your group.
6 Have you ever pretended __ _ ill to avoid ____ to Take turns to tell each other about the crime in
school or work? (be, go) a. Use your own words if possible. After each
crime, decide what punishment you would have
7 If you saw someone hitchhiking, would you stop _ them
a lift? (give) given the criminal if you'd been the judge.
b Work with your partner. Ask and answer your questions. c Turn to p114. Read what happened to the
criminals. Do you agree with the sentences that
Ask follow-up questions if possible.
the judges gave them? Why? / Why not?
3A I.I p25
30 I.I p31
a Work in pairs with a student from group A. Fill in the gaps
with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. a Work on your own. Read about your situation
and make a list of at least five things you
1 If you (hit) a parked car at 3 a.m., _ you need to do. Which of these things can you do
__ __ (leave) a note with your phone number?
yourself? Which do you need help with?
2 Imagine you (find) an expensive camera on a park
bench, you (hand) it in to the police?
You're organising a 21 birthday party for
3 Suppose your company (pay) you twice for last
month's work, you (keep) the money? your cousin Sam tomorrow. The party will be
at your home and you've invited 25 people
4 If you _ (get) home from the supermarket and
(four are coming by train and two by plane).
(realise) that they hadn't charged you for something,
Your house is a mess and you haven't
you (take) it back?
started preparing for the party.
5 Imagine you (borrow) a friend's laptop and
__ (drop) it on the way home, you
___ _ (tell) your friend what happened? b Read about your partner's situation. Make a
list of at least five things you can offer to do to
b Work with a student from group B. Take turns to ask and help him/her.
answer the questions. Make brief notes to help you remember
your partner's answers.
He/She is going on holiday to New York
If you hit a parked car Yes, I would, assuming on Sunday for two weeks. He/She has got
at 3 a.m., would you I'd damaged the car. a plane ticket and a visa, but hasn't done
leave a note with your anything else to prepare for the holiday. He/
phone number? She is worried about being burgled while he/
she is away and he/she also has two cats.
c Work with your partner from group A. Discuss how your c Work with your partner. Take turns to discuss
partners from group B answered each question. Were their
your situations. Use your lists from a and b to
answers similar?
help you make, accept or refuse offers .