Page 103 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 103
VOCABULARY Vocabulary idioms
12C AND SKILLS Spooky! Skills Reading: an article about a themed weekend
Listening: a conversation about a haunted flat
QUICK REVIEW Past forms of modal verbs
Complete these sentences for you: I needn't
have . . . , I could ... by the time I was . . . ,
I should have . . . , If I'd known about . . . ,
I could have ... , I probably shouldn't have
.... Work in pairs. Take turns to say your
sentences. Ask follow-up questions.
Speaking and Reading
D Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
1 Have you seen any films or plays or read any
books with ghosts in them? If so, which ones?
Did you enjoy them?
2 Do you believe in ghosts? Have you, or has
anyone you know, seen a ghost?
El a Before you read, check these words with
your teacher.
sceptical haunted spooky
werewolves vanish proof
b Read the article. Match headings a- f to
paragraphs 1-5. There is an extra heading.
a A weekend invitation
b A good night's sleep
c A nation of believers
d Still a sceptic
e How the weekend began
f A spooky experience
c Read the article again. Tick the true
sentences. Correct the false ones.
1 More than half the population of the UK say
they have seen a ghost.
2 The writer didn't expect to see a ghost at
Brockfield Castle.
3 The writer thought most of the other
ghost-hunters were strange.
4 The ghosts who haunt the castle are
Tom's brothers.
5 There had been a fire in the room where the
writer saw the old man.
6 The writer has changed her mind about the
existence of ghosts.
d Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.
1 What do you think really happened at
Brockfield Castle that weekend?
2 Would you like to go on a ghost-hunting
weekend? Why?/Why not?