Page 102 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 102

                                                                                                          30  PRONUNCIATION   Listen and
                                                                                                   practise. Copy the stress and the
                                                                                                   weak form of have.
                                                                                                        •                 •         •
                                                                                                   He could have /'JV/  chosen to leave
                                                                                                   his money to his chT!dren.

                                                                                                   Choose the correct words/ phrases.
                                                                                                   1  In your position I would have/needn't
                                                                                                      have done the same thing.
                                                                                                   2  It's your fault. You should have/would
                                                                                                      have told him we were going to
                                                                                                      be late.
                                                                                                   3  I could have/needn't have stayed
         Anita Roddick (1942-2007),            to human rights and environmental                      longer, but I would have/should have
      founder of The Body Shop, also           groups. Her fortune was said to be                     missed the last bus.
      decided that she didn't need             somewhere in the region of £50m.                    4  We should have/would have gone
      to leave her money to her two            Some people thought she should                         to see that play instead of going to
      daughters because they would be          have left at least some of that                        the cinema.
      fine without it. She felt there were     money to her children - she needn't
      too many people in the world who         have given it fill away. But that's just            5  I didn't need to go/needn't have gone
      had nothing and who needed this          what she did. " I told my kids they                    to work today, so I stayed in bed.
      money far more than they did.            would not inherit one penny," she                   6  We needn't have/couldn't have
      She once told reporters that she         said, and to their great credit Anita's                bought all this milk. Look, we've got
      was enjoying her money because           daughters supported their mother's                     lots in the fridge.
      whenever she wanted to, she              decision. Many people would have                    7  I lost my house keys last night, but
      could give away millions of pounds       reacted very differently.                              I could/was able to get in through
                                                                                                      a window.
                                                                                                   a  He shouldn't have/couldn't have told
                                                                         her because now she's really upset.
       •   Modal verbs (3):  past forms and related verbs
           WOULD HAVE, COULD HAVE, SHOULD HAVE                                                     Get ready ... Get it right!
       •   a  Look at the phrases in blue in the article. Fill in the gaps in these                Write six of these things on a piece
       •   rules with could have, would have or should have. How do we make                        of paper. Don't write them in this
       •   these verb forms negative?
       •                                                                                           order .
       •  •  We use  could have  + past participle to say something was possible in
       •                                                                                           Something that you .. .
       •      the past, but didn't happen .
       •                                                                                           •  should have done last week
       •   •  We use ____ + past participle to criticise people's behaviour in the past.
       •                                                                                           •  did recently that you needn't
       •  •  We use              + past participle to imagine something in the past that
       •                                                                                              have done
       •      didn't happen .
       •                                                                                           •  would have done last weekend
       •   NEEDN'T HAVE, DIDN'T NEED TO                                                               if you'd had time
       •   b  Look at the phrases in  pink in the article. Answer these questions .                •  could do well when you were
       •                                                                                              a child
       •  1  In the first phrase, did Anita leave her daughters any money?
       •                                                                                           •  could have done yesterday,
       •   2  In the second phrase, did she give all her money away?
       •                                                                                              but didn't
       •   3  How do we make the verb form in each sentence?
       •                                                                                           •  didn't need to do this morning
       •   COULD,  WAS/WERE ABLE TO                                                               •  bought recently that you
       •  c  Look at the phrases in bold in the article. Fill in the gaps in these                    shouldn't have
       •                                                                                       .
       •  rules with could or was/were able to .
       •                                                                                       •   Work in pairs. Swap papers. Take
       •   •  We usually use  ___ to talk about a general ability in the past.                    turns to ask your partner about the
       •  •  We usually use             to talk about ability at one specific time in the past.   things he/she has written. Ask
       •                                                                                          follow-up questions if possible .
       •  TIP • We usually use could with verbs like understand, see, hear, feel,
       •  remember etc. A few people could understand why Anita Roddick did that.
       •  d  Check in ld;fMW!1;1fl> p156 .
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