Page 105 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 105
• HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION Word stress (4): word families
• • Remember, some suffixes can change the stressed syllable in words .
D a Work in pairs. Mark the stress on these word families .
• 1 astrology astrological astrologer Work in groups of four. Read the
• 2 photography photographic photographer rules. Then play the game!
• 3 economics economical economist
4 philosophy philosophical philosopher Rules
5 environment environmental environmentalist
6 politics political politician
You need: One counter for each
7 analysis analytical analyst
student, one dice for each group.
a universe universal universally
How to play: Put your counters
b 932 Listen and check. Listen again and practise.
on START. Take turns to throw the
dice, move your counter and read
El a Work in pairs. Practise these conversations.
the instructions on the square. The
1 A What astrological sign are you?
first student to get to FINISH is the
B I don't know. I don't believe in astrology.
2 A Ann's studying politics, but she doesn't want to be a politician.
Grammar and Vocabulary squares:
B No, I think she wants to be a political analyst.
The first student to land on a
3 A I want to take some really good photographs for an environmental
Grammar or Vocabulary square
answers question 1. If the other
B Jon's a photographer. He'll know what photographic equipment to get.
• students think your answer is correct,
• 4 A It's hard to be philosophical about the economic situation.
• you can stay on the square. If the
• B There was an analysis in The Economist that said the problem was answer is wrong, you must move
• universal. back to the last square you were on .
• b 9
• 33 Listen and check. Then swap roles and practise the The second student to land on the
• conversations again. same square answers question 2. If
a third or fourth student lands on the
same square, he/she can stay on the
continue21earn square without answering a question.
Talk about squares: If you land on
a Talk about square, talk about the
• Vocabulary, Grammar and Real World topic for 40 seconds. Another student
• Extra Practice 12 and Progress Portfolio 12 p126 can check the time. If you can't talk
• Language Summary 12 p155 for 40 seconds, you must move back
• 12A- C Workbook p60 to the last square you were on. If a
second or third student lands on the
• Self-study DVD-ROM 12 with Review Video
same square, he/she also talks about
the same topic for 40 seconds.
• Reading and Writing
• Portfolio 12 A personal email Workbook p86
Reading a personal email about a ghostly experience
Writing a personal email about an experience: common mistakes