Page 109 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 109
Pair and Group Work: Student/Group A
78 El p59 7C II p61
a Work on your own. Make questions with you with a Work on your own. Complete the words in bold
these words. Use How long ... ? or How much/many ... ? with a prefix. Sometimes there is more than one
and the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect possible answer.
Continuous. Use the continuous form if possible.
1 What do people in your country do that you think is
1 I countries I visit ? ____ social?
How many countries have you visited? 2- Do you have a lot of discipline?
2 I live I in your house or flat? 3 Do you know anyone who has done or is doing a
____ graduate degree?
3 I phone calls I make I today?
4 Are most people in your country ____ hunting?
4 I study I English?
5 I know I your oldest friend? 5 How many people in your family are
____ smokers?
6 I spend I on food today?
6 Which films or TV programmes do you think are
b Work with your partner. Ask and answer the ____ rated?
questions. Ask follow-up questions.
7 If you were a millionaire, what would you
spend your money on?
a When you were a child, did you behave a
9A El p73
b Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and
a Work with a student from group A. Write questions
answer the questions. Ask follow-up questions if
with these words. Use the correct passive form of the
Oscars quiz 12C II p101
1 In which year I the ceremony first I broadcast I a Work on your own. Complete the idioms in these
in colour?
In which year was the ceremony first
1 In an old farmhouse in the middle of ___ _
broadcast in colour?
2 I'm taking a few days off to my batteries.
a 1956 b 1966 c 1976
3 No, I was just pulling your ___ _
2 How many Oscars I refuse I so far?
4 Yes, but it's a far ____ rom the small village where
a none b 3 c 6
I grew up.
3 Which of these films I not award I an Oscar for
5 No, I always sleep like a ___ _
best movie?
6 Congratulations! That must have made your ___ _
a The Godfather
b Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone b Work with your partner. Say sentences a-f to him/
c Gone with the Wind her. Listen to his/her responses. Do you think they're
4 Approximately how many Oscars I made I each
year? a Have you done the homework yet?
a 50 b 75 c 100 b Have you seen my dictionary anywhere?
Which actress I nominate I for most best c I'm worried about making a speech in front of so many
actress awards? people.
a Julia Roberts b Meryl Streep c Kate d I had no idea that William was moving to the USA.
Winslet e The clients are going to read our report tomorrow.
At what time of day in the USA I the f Our teacher says I'm the best student he/she's ever had.
nominations I announce ?
c Listen to your partner's sentences. Respond with
a 5.30 a.m. b 9 a.m. c midday
the correct sentence from a.
b Work with a pair from group B. Ask and answer your
questions. Say the three possible answers when you
ask your questions. (The correct answers are in bold.)
c Which pair got most answers right?