Page 112 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 112
Pair and Group Work: Student/Group B
78 El p59 7C II p61
a Work on your own. Make questions with you with a Work on your own. Complete the words in bold
these words. Use How long ... ? or How much/many ... ? with a prefix. Sometimes there is more than one
and the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect possible answer.
Continuous. Use the continuous form if possible. a Do you live in a ____ cultural area?
a I time I spend I watching TV this week? b How many presidents of the USA can you
How much time have you spent watching TV this week? name?
b I live I in this town or city? c Do any of the rooms of your house or flat need
____ decorating?
c I novels I read I in English?
d Have you ever been charged in a restaurant
d I have I your mobile?
or a shop?
e I come I to this class?
e Do you ever understand people when they
f I times I go I to the cinema this month?
speak English?
b Work with your partner. Ask and answer the t Which professions do you think are paid?
questions. Ask follow-up questions. g Would you like to work for a national
h What's the longest stop flight you've been
9A II p73
b Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and
a Work with a student from group B. Write questions
answer the questions. Ask follow-up questions if
with these words. Use the correct passive form of possible.
the verbs.
Oscars quiz 12C II p101
1 On which day I the Academy Awards ceremony a Work on your own. Complete the idioms in these
now I hold?
On which day is the Academy Awards
1 Yes, it was a piece of __ _
ceremony now held?
2 Good. That should give them ____ for thought.
a Friday b Saturday c Sunday
3 Nor did I. The news came completely out of the
2 In which year I the first Oscar I award I for
special effects?
4 No, but I'll keep an out for it, if you like.
a 1939 b 1959 c 1919
5 I'd take that with a pinch of if I were you!
3 How many Oscars I the film The Lord of the
Rings I nominate I for in 2003? 6 Why not tell a joke first to break the ____ ?
a 8 b 11 c 14 b Work with your partner. Listen to his/her sentences.
4 How many people I tell I the results before the Respond with the correct sentence from a.
c Say sentences a-f to your partner. Listen to his/ her
a 1 b 2 c 7 responses. Do you think they're correct?
5 Which country I award I the most Oscars for a What are you doing next week?
best foreign film?
b Do you tend to wake up a lot in the night?
a Italy b France c Japan
c Whereabouts does your uncle live?
6 How many Oscars I award I since the Academy d Hey, guess what? I've just won £100!
Awards began? -...
e Do you like living in the city?
a over 7,500 b over 5,000 c over 2,500
f Are we really doing an exam tomorrow?
b Work with a pair from group A. Ask and answer your
questions. Say the three possible answers when you
ask your questions. (The correct answers are in bold.)
c Which pair got most answers right?