Page 117 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 117
Pair and Group Work: Ans\Ner Key
3A El b p24 88 El b p66
a The usual rate for a session is £8-£12 an hour.
1 a 3 points b 2 points c 1 point (artist's model)
2 a 1 point b 3 points c 2 points
b On average you can make £10-£15 an hour. (dog
3 a 3 points b 2 points c 1 point walking)
4 a 2 points b 3 points c 1 point c £8.,...£10 a visit, but could be as high as £100 a day.
5 a 2 points b 1 point c 3 points
(mystery shopper)
12-15 points d £25 a night. (sleep research)
You're an extremely honest and trustworthy person. You probably e Up to £450 a month. (rent out a room)
sleep well at night. f On average about £1,000 a day. (let your home out
8-11 points as film and TV sets)
You're reasonably honest, but occasionally you think of yourself
instead of doing the right thing.
5- 7 points
9C EJ p77
Where did you leave your morals? Perhaps you should try to be
a bit more honest in the future! 1 Art Convergence, Jackson Pollock (1952)
2 Art Black Bean, from Soup Can Series I,
Andy Warhol (1968)
3 Art Untitled, Mark Rothko (1960-1961)
3C EJ p29
4 Art In Advance of the Broken Arm, Marcel
The judges in these real-life court cases handed down these Duchamp (1915)
sentences. 5 Not art victim of the volcanic eruption, Pompeii,
Student A The postman was sent to prison for six and a half AD 79
years. 6 Art A Glimpse of Hope, Rebecca Warren
Student B The secretary who stole £4.3 million was sent to prison (2003)
for 16 years. 7 Not art weathercock from a church, France
Student C The man who illegally copied and sold DVDs was 8 Not art model in a shop window, Goa, India
given a three-year prison sentence.
9 Art Equivalent VIII, Carl Andre (1966)
Student D The farmer was sent to prison for life. However, his 10 Not art section of the M illau bridge, France
sentence was later reduced to five years, and he was released from
prison after three years. 11 Not art 'Split Apple Rock', natural rock
formation, New Zealand
12 Not art picture painted by an elephant
4A El c p33
The dead kangaroo story
Not true. There have been numerous versions of this urban
legend over the years, the first appearing in 1902 (in this story
the kangaroo was hit by a train). There are also different versions
of this story told in other countries. In the USA, for example, the
animal is usually a deer.
The cigar story
Not true. This is just the latest version of an old urban legend
which has been around for many years. In some variations the
cigar-buyer is just an average guy, in others he's an accountant.
However, no matter what the version is the man always gets
The exploding house story
True. This story happened in December 2003 at the home of a
woman named Aurelia Oliveras in San Diego, California. Luckily
nobody was hurt in the explosion because Mrs Oliveras, her
husband and her two-year-old daughter were in the back garden
at the time .