Page 122 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 122
Extra Practice 5 Language Summary 5 pl 37
SA p40 IJ Correct the mistakes in these SD p46
D Write the adjectives. 0 Make sentences with these
1 I didn't know Jo was back.
1 irceef f i e r c e 'II words.
2 gniwrarde r _______ _ A Guy's hopeless. It I be I better I
I'm giving her a call.
3 ffatihul f ______ _ 2 I see Jan tomorrow at school. get rid of I to I 'd I much /him.
4 ssahlerm h ______ _ Shall I ask her to call you? It'd be much better to get rid
of him.
5 dierw w 3 I've just seen a fabulous jacket.
d _________ _ B but I I Maybe, I how I we I
6 dstceruveti I think I'll be buying it.
don't I can I see I do that. He's
7 arctveilu 4 I've made an appointment and I got a contract.
8 xcetoi e ____ _ see the doctor at 4 p.m. tomorrow. c Fair I Lucy's I but I I still I got I
9 geera e ___ _ 5 Perhaps I'm seeing Michelle when a point I enough, I think.
I'm in Paris next week.
10 ddiitcvea a _______ _ B Well, I for I is I keeping him I
6 See you tomorrow. I'm calling you
with clients I one argument I
El Fill in the gaps with the correct before I leave. he's good.
word. A swell, I argue I some people I
SC p44
1 I'm not scared of not true I would I that I 's. Not all
spiders as I used to be. II Read this email to a newspaper. clients like him.
2 The older I get, less Then choose the correct B trying I No, I not I to say I I'm I
exercise I do. meanings of words 1- 10. that's I what.
3 I'm nowhere as 7 he I I meant I What I was I
extravagant as my sister. them I a lot I socialises I with.
4 I'm a bit taller my A 8 Yes, I but I he I again I much
parents. I was devastated when the council business I get I doesn't I then I
5 The I practise English, from them.
revealed its plan to demolish the
the more confident I get. town hall and erect a 100-storey c before I about I never really I
6 I eat a far varied diet building there in its place. They say thought I I've I that.
now than I used to. the old building is san eyesore, B 10 right I think I we I it I that I fire
but it isn't only about aesthetics, him I I just don't I 's I now.
7 My life is getting busier and
these buildings are part of history. c 11 hard I 's I say. I It I to.
And another thing that puzzles
a I'm a great happier
me is I can't understand why the
now than when I was a child.
council doesn't deem it necessary
to consult the local community on Progress Portfolio 5
SB p42 such matters. It would be much . - .
more democratic to have a
EJ Choose the correct particles. Tick the things you can do
10 referendum and let local in English.
1 The football stadium was packed people decide.
up!@ D I can compare two or more
people or things in different
2 I didn't want to watch the game,
but Joe talked me in with/into it. ways.
1 b very pleased D I can talk in detail about
3 I pass by/to the post office. I can
2 a kept secret b showed different aspects of the future.
collect your parcel.
3 a repair b knock down
4 I really need cheering out/up D I can understand back
right now. 4 a build b plan referencing in a text.
5 Of course you're not putting us 5 a dangerous b very ugly D I can take part in a discussion
on/out. We'd love you to stay. 6 a beauty b money and respond to other people's
6 I don't care when we leave. I'll fit 7 a annoys b confuses
up/in with you. 8 a vote b consider
7 Go ahead/into and book the flight. 9 a issues b opinions ..........................................
a I'm going to the library. I've got to 10 a vote b meeting What do you need to
catch up on/by some reading. : study again? See
: Self-study DVD-ROM 5.