Page 124 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 124

      Extra Practice 7                                                                                    Language Summary 7 p142

      7A  p56                                        78  p58                                             7C  p60

      D  Fill in the gaps with the correct           B  Tick the correct sentences.                 0  Cross out the word that doesn't
           form of these verbs.                           Change the incorrect sentences.                match the prefix.
                                                                    known                                1  over- estimate/rated/cultural
             respect    deserve    doubt                  1  I've been lmo'vving Sally for years.        2  multi-decorate/cultural/national
             suspect    trust   suit   realise            2  They been manufacturing cars for
             involve   envy    seem                          over 100 years.                             3  anti- smoker/war/government
                                                                                                         4  mis- understand/used/hunting
                                                          3  She's been going to the same
           1  I  res  ect  people who never                                                              5  non- smoker/scientific/valued
              lose their temper.                             supermarket for years.
                                                          4  I've been writing six reports.              6  pre- understand/war/view
           2  The police _          my                                                                   7  pro- democracy /government/stop
              boyfriend of car theft, but they            s  I've come here since 2008.
                                                                                                         8  self- qualified/discipline/reliant
              didn't arrest him.                          6  Lyn's having that cat for years.
           3  You look good in that new hat.              7  How long have you been living
              It           you.                              here?                                  70  p62
           4  This job            a lot of                a  We've had four complaints about        D  Choose the correct word/phrase.
              technical knowledge.                           the food.
                                                                                                         Problems on the phone.
           s  It's so cold. I really                                                                     1  There's a bit of a@    credit on
              people who live in hot countries.      II Fill in the gaps with the Present
                                                          Perfect Simple or Present Perfect                 the line.
           6  I didn't           he was sixty.                                                           2  I'm just about to run out/speak
              He looks younger.                           Continuous of these verbs. Use
                                                          the continuous form if possible.                  up of credit.
           7  I never            her innocence.                                                          3  I didn't have/get all of that.
              I knew she hadn't shoplifted.
                                                            koow     go (x2)   have    look              4  Can you speak/catch up a bit?
           a  What's wrong with Jan? She                    become     study    win    work
              ____ upset when I saw her.                                                                 5  The reception/delay isn't very
                                                                               good here.
           9  We             him,  but he stole           1  I  have known  him since 2006.
              from the company.                           2  He             English for six or           6  I keep breaking up/losing you.

          10  Ruth helped us a lot. She                      seven years.                                7  Sorry, we got run out/cut off.
                         our thanks.                      3  I           two holidays so far             8  My phone's about to die/break up.
                                                             this year.
      El   Choose the correct verb forms.                 4  We             never __                     9  Sorry, this is a bad credit/line.
           1  1@ / 'm going to the same place                to Ireland.
              for my holiday every year.
                                                          5  I don't know anyone who                        Progress Portfolio 7
           2  This is/is being a great book.                            the lottery.                   .  ..... ... - ..........   ....   ...  ••--: .. =- _----:....-.....   -::.   -......  .
              I 've read/ 've been reading nearly         6         __ to bed quite late
              100 pages already.                                                                        Tick the things you can do
           3  Joe works/'s working in Rome this                                                          in English.
                                                          7  In the last couple of months Tom
              month. He thinks/ 's thinking of                                                          D  I can understand detailed
                                                                   _    interested in politics.
              moving there permanently.                                                                       information in a news
                                                          a  She ____ for this company
           4  Joan  's/ 's being helpful today.                                                               programme.
                                                             since 2011 .
              That 's/'s being very unusual.                                                            D  I can express in detail how
                                                          9  I        _  for a new flat recently.
           5  She has! 's having two jobs, but                                                                things in the past connect to
              today she has/ 's having the day       II Find eight words related to                           the present.
              off.                                       -business and trade. Then write                D  I can talk about business and
           6  Harry thinks/'s thinking his job is         a noun o r an adjective for each                    trade.
              boring so he thinks/'s thinking of          word if possible.                             D  I can understand a text giving
              taking a year off.                                                                              information about technology.
                                                                                                        D  I can deal with problems on
                               ""->       ....                0         ....           ,--I                   the phone.
                                           c:-t-             H          t:J                          ..........................................
                                                              p...      <:              . ,-4        .
                                          I-""'              ..µ        CO               H
                               0           I-''              ""f        U!              ..µ             What do you need to
                                           U!c               <O                        ,::;,         :  study again? See
                                             <9 ii vi r o -P.             ·v en t i -P.  0           :  Self-study DVD-ROM 7 .
              political - politics                                                                   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .
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