Page 126 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 126
Extra Practice 9 Language Summary 9 p147
9A p72 98 p74 90 p78
D Fill in the gaps with these words. EJ Complete these adjectives II Make sentences using these
connected to entertainment. prompts.
special effects subtitles
1 far- f e t c h e d Asking if the person is free
released plot trailer rave -------
2 prod 1 I you I do I anything I tonight?
soundtrack costumes
3 mov Are you doing anything tonight?
dub remake sequel
4 sent ______ _ 2 What I you I up to I Saturday?
1 The effects were s sea 3 I you got anything I next Friday?
amazing and totally believable.
6 grip Making a suggestion
2 It sounds strange when they 7 bel ______ _
____ famous actors' voices. 4 I you fancy I go I a drink?
8 hil _____ _
3 It was a Chinese film and I s I I think I we I can I give that new
couldn't read the on II Choose the correct words/ club I try.
the screen. 6 I you feel like I go I to Pat's
4 That film hasn't been ___ _ barbeque I weekend?
1 I al a s have something healthy
in the UK yet. It's due out next 7 I I not mind I go I to the cinema
such asVas fruit for breakfast.
month. tonight.
2 I walked here today, like/such as
s They've just done a of Politely refusing a suggestion
I usually do.
a 1940s horror film.
3 I've got so/such many things to do. a I I sorry, but I I I not feel I it this
6 I really enjoyed that film. I hope evening.
they make a ___ _ 4 I look as/like my mother. 9 I I rather give I that I miss I you I
7 The acting and the ___ _ s I'm usually so/such hungry after not mind.
were good, but the __ _ class. 10 Perhaps I some I time.
didn't make sense. 6 I've never worked as/like a shop
a I saw the for Matt Saying you have no preference
Damon's latest film. It looked 7 I had so/such much fun last night. 11 I easy. I you like.
great. a I've had so/such a busy day today. 12 I I bothered I either way.
9 I bought the _ . It's got 13 It I all I same I me.
some great music. 9C p76
1 o The film got reviews,
El Fill in the gaps with these words.
but I didn't like it.
E1 Look at the underlined verb forms. case (x2) state (x2) Progress Portfolio 9
Tick the correct verb forms. round (x2) change (x2) ....... "· • - ' .
Change the incorrect ones. handle (x2) point
Tick the things you can do
used to be described
1 What's the [2_0int in asking him in English.
As a child I 1used to describe as shy, ____ for dinner. He'll only
so I was surprised everyone when upset everyone. D I can express my opinion
I announced I had being accepted on different forms of
2 Where's the for the entertainment.
by a drama school in Bath. The camera? I want to
audition had been awful so I was lens. the D I can say that things are
sure I wouldn't offer a place, but I similar.
was. Of course, 1'd expected to ask 3 I can't ten kids on my D I can follow a discussion in
to perform a speech from a play, own. which the speakers don't
but I had no idea they had to be 4 Whaf is Houston in? agree on a topic.
convinced that I could sing as well. 5 Have you any for a £10 D I can add emphasis.
Unfortunately, I was the first to being note?
asked to sing. I hate be laughed at 6 The door is broken. D I can make and respond
and that's exactly what happened. 7 She's got a __ _ appropriately to suggestions.
But I didn't run off the stage like face. ..........................................
others who were being auditioned - a He got in a terrible .
perhaps that's why I 1 accepted. when his went to court. : What do you need to
9 Don't _ _ your finger at : study again? See
people. It's rude. : Self-study DVD-ROM 9.
. ......................................... .