Page 129 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 129

         Extra Practice 12                                                                                Language Summary 12 p155

         12A  p96                                      IEI  Look at these sentences. Make                  5          _   you,  but I didn't have
                                                            deductions about the present or                   your work number with me.
        D  Fill in the gaps with these words/
                                                            the past.                                      6  We got into the club straight
                                                            1  I left a message for Jan, but she              away. We

                hassle   pop in    mates                       hasn't called me back.
                chucked out    bugs    chill out               She might have goae away.              12C  p100
                telly   quid   trendy                       2  Tim's not answering the door.          II  Choose the correct words in
                messed up     stressed out                  3  I've never seen Kelly eat meat.             these idioms.

                                                            4  Pat is buying a tent.
             1  It's always a  hassle  travelling                                                          1  You should take what Jack says
                to school!                                  5  Pete always flies first class.                 with a pinch of sugar!@.
             2  Do you get             about                6  Paul hasn't paid back the money             2  The English exam was a piece of
                work.                                          I lent him.                                    bread/cake.
             3               lots of things I didn't        7  Carrie's earning a lot more than            3  Jane will be here in a minute. Can
                want.                                          she did last year.                             you keep an arm/eye out for her?
             4  I really ____ hat exam. I'm                 a  She's not wearing her wedding               4  Are you pulling my leg/hand?
                bound to fail.                                 ring anymore.                               5  I always sleep like a log/plant.
             5  I'm just going to _         and                                                            6  The news about their wedding
                                                       128  p98
                watch             tonight.                                                                    came out of the sky/blue.
             6  Do you ever go to                           Choose the correct option.                     7  He lives in the centre/middle of
                bars and clubs?                             Sometimes both options are                        nowhere.
             7  It really ____ me when                      possible.                                      8  It was great to see Isabel yesterday.
                            don't return my calls!                                                            It really made my hour/day.
                                                            1  Leave<i§lroughly 7.30.
             a  I just need to           here                                                              9  Why don't we play a party game
                                                            2  There's tons/loads of food left over.
                and pick up some milk.                                                                        to break the ice/glass?
                                                            3  They earn somewhere in the
             9  I found twenty ____ in the                                   10  This tiny flat is a far shout/cry
                                                               region of/roughly $100,000 a year.
                street.                                                                                       from the huge house they had
                                                            4  The journey takes eight hours give             before.
             Tick the correct sentences.                       or take/about an hour.
             Change the incorrect sentences.                5  He called around eleven ish/-odd
                                                               last night.                                    Progress Portfolio 1'
             1  My keys must have been here                 6  It's around/roughly 200 years old.       •                     .. :l-IJ£i#r ...
                somewhere. Can you help me                  7  It takes a week about/or so to get          Tick the things you can do
                look for them?                                 there if you drive.                         in English.
             2  There aren't any lights on. He              a  A huge/great deal of money is               D  I can understand some
                must have gone to bed .  ./                    wasted on advertising.                           colloquial words and phrases.
             3  I can't find my wallet.  I might            9  The vast majority/huge amount               D  I can make deductions about
                leave it in the cafe.                          of employees are men.
                                                                                                                the present and the past.
             4  Sally left most of her food. She           10  She's sixty ish/-odd.
                can't have been very hungry.                                                               D  I can use vague expressions
                                                                                                                when I don't know precise
             5  Sheila can't have gone home            II Fill in the gaps with the correct                     numbers, distances, etc.
                yet, her bag's still here.                  form of these pairs of verbs.
                                                                                                          D  I can criticise people's past
             6  He can't be ill yesterday because                                                               behaviour.
                he went to Alice's party.                     need/pay     need/buy
                                                              have to/queue    should/stay                D  I can talk about general and
             7  The boys were covered in mud.                                                                   specific ability in the past.
                They might be playing football.               could/drive   would/call
                                                                                                          D  I can understand some idioms.
             a  Tom must be tired. He's falling             1  I knew the band so I
                asleep.                                         didn't need to  a    for a ticket.        D  I can follow a conversation
                                                                                                                between three people on a
             9  A  Where's the cheese I bought?             2  I           out so late last night.              subject familiar to me.
                B  I don't know - someone must                 I overslept this morning.                   . ....................................•.
                   eat it.
                                                            3  I     __ this coffee. We've got              What do you need to
            10  A  Where's my book?                            lots in the cupboard.
                B  Look on the shelf. It might                                                              study again? See
                                                            4  I     __ you to the station.                 Self-study DVD-ROM 12.
                   have been there.
                                                               Why didn't you ask me?
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