Page 131 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 131

         TIPS                                                                                    -----------------
         • Continuous verb forms of begin, start and continue are always
        followed by the infinitive with to : I'm starting to worry about my
                                                                               -       The English verb system  1A II p9
        health. not /'m starting worrying about my health.

         • We can also say teach somebody how to do sth:                       •  The English verb system has three aspects: simple,
        My brother taught me how to drive.                                        continuous and perfect. These aspects refer to how the
                                                                                  speaker sees the event or situation.
         • In British English, the verbs love, like, dislike and hate are
         usually followed by verb+ing: I love playing tennis.                  THE SIMPLE ASPECT
         • We can also say love/like/dislike/hate somebody doing               •  We usuaHy use simple verb forms to talk about things that
        something: I love people calling me on my birthday.                       are repeated, permanent or completed.
                                                                                  Present Simple: More people speak English than any other
                                                                                  language.  (permanent) He always recommends people use
        •  stop + verb+ing = stop something that you were doing:
                                                                                  Globish.  (repeated)
            He says we have to stop thinking this way.
                                                                                  Past Simple: We visited one acting class.  (completed)
        •  stop + infinitive with to = stop doing one thing in order to
            do something else: Have you ever stopped to consider how           THE CONTINUOUS ASPECT
            stressful school life is?                                          •  We usually use continuous verb forms to talk about things

        •  remember + verb+ing = remember something that you did                  that are in progress, temporary or unfinished.
            before: I remember spending hours in exam rooms.                      Present Continuous: The way people study English is also
                                                                                  changing.  (temporary)
        •  remember + infinitive with to = make a mental note to do
            something in the future: We should remember to see them as            Past Continuous: A student was pretending to be the film
            individuals.                                                          star Orlando Bloom.  (in progress)
        •  try + verb+ing =do something in order to solve a problem:              Present Perfect Continuous: The government has been
            Try googling the biographies of young entrepreneurs. ·                building English immersion schools ... (unfinished)
        •  try + infinitive with to = make an effort to do something           THE PERFECT ASPECT
            difficult: We should try to create new learning environments.      •  We usually use perfect verb forms to talk about things

        •  Look at these pictures. Notice the difference in meaning               that connect two different time periods (the past and the
            between the verb forms in bold.                                       present, etc.).
                                                                                  Present Perfect Simple: English has become the
                                                                                  dominant language of international business.

                                                                                  Past Perfect Simple: A recent report suggested that the
                                                                                  number of non-native speakers had already reached 2 billion.
                                                                               THE PASSIVE
                                                                       f      •  We usually use passive verb forms when we focus on what .
                                                                                  happens to somebody or something rather than who or what
                              She remembered to       She remembered
                                                                                  does the action.
                                 post the letter.     posting the letter.
                                                                                  Present Simple Passive: About 75% of the world's
                                                                                  correspondence is written in English.
                                                                                  Past Simple Passive: English was chosen as the working
                                                                                  language of the Japanese,  French and Czech staff.

                                                                              ACTIVITY AND STATE VERBS
                                                                              •  Activity verbs talk about activities and actions (learn,  change,
                                                                                  run, play, hit, lose, etc.): These new English speakers aren't
                               He stopped to read  He stopped reading
                                                                                 just using the language - they're changing it.
                                   the notice.      the notice (to talk to
                                                         his friend).         •  State verbs talk about states, feelings and opinions (need,
                                                                                  seem, know, remember, love, want, etc.): Nerriere believes
                                                                                  that the future of English belongs to non-native speakers.
                                                                              •  We don't usually use state verbs in continuous verb forms:
                                                                                  It seems that the answer is difficult to predict. not f.t!.s--
                                                                                 seeming that the anmver is difficult to predict.
                                                                              •  Other common state verbs are: have got, hear, believe,

          He's trying to lose 1 O kilos.   "I've got a terrible headache."       agree, forget, mean, understand, like, hate, prefer, belong,
                                          "Try taking some painkillers."         own and cost.
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