Page 127 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 127
Extra Practice 10 Language Summary 10 p149
10A pao II Choose the correct words. 100 p86
Sometimes both words are
D a Find nine more nouns B Rewrite these sentences using
connected to houses or cars. introductory phrases in bold.
1 Every adult needl8 a ticket. Sometimes there is more than
S 0 G (R 0 0 F) M I 2 Check each person's/people's ID. one possible answer.
H S B 0 I L E R N 3 Each person speak/speaks more 1 It annoys me that my sister's
E Q R C L B A J T than one language. always late. One thing that
L G H T B U L B 4 None of my cousins is/are annoys me about m y sister
V M R F T L E S is that she's alwa s late.
E D U V E T K A 0 5 No one in my family wear/wears 2 I like my brother's taste in music.
glasses. One thing ______ _
S R E L L 0 C K I
6 Neither of my parents have/has
T Y R E S G H I B blue eyes.
3 I love the way Ted dances. One
b Write a verb for each noun. 7 None of us work/works in thing _______
Sometimes there is more than education.
one possible answer. a I don't think either of my parents
4 Linda never phones me. That
fix the roof want/wants to come.
annoys me. The thing that
9 No one seem/seems to care
fJ Put the verbs into the correct
about the unemployed.
form. 5 Dan upsets me because he
1 o Everyone have/has a number.
1 I 've never had (never have) always has to control everything.
11 None of my friends can/can't What ________ _
my hair dyed (dye) in my life.
2 I (get) a friend __
(help) me decorate yesterday. 10C p84 6 I admire Pam's generosity. The
3 I (get) Lorna thing that ______ _
El a Match a word in A to a word
__ (alter) these trousers.
They fit perfectly now. in B to make compound nouns 7 She's always calm. That amazes
or adjectives.
4 John (have) a new me. What
kitchen __ (put in) next A B
self --...... ' solving a I don't like his sense of humour.
5 I __ (get) my brother attention "'--obsessed The thing _______ _
__ (check) my tyres. They good dreaming
were fine. problem span
6 Sue (have) her break down
roof (fix) yet? day humoured
7 How often you high spread Progress Portfolio 1C
__ (get) your car draw place ..
__ (service)? down powered Tick the things you can do
a you (put up) wide fetched in English.
those tiles yourself? work hearted 0 I can talk about household jobs.
far back
0 I can talk about things other
108 p82
people do for me and things I
b Which compound words in
EJ Write the letters in these words. do myself.
5a are adjectives? Which are
1 i n ed nouns? Are the compound 0 I can talk about the quantity of
2 a __ s _ v words written as one word, two things.
3 pr _ j _ __ c _ d words or with a hyphen? D I can contradict people.
0 I can emphasise things when
4 u n I
giving my opinions.
5 r s n t f I .
6 t r __ t _ n __ g .
What do you need to
7 u f r : st udy again? See
8 b s d : Self-study DVD-ROM 10.