Page 123 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 123

        Extra Practice 6                                                                                   Language Summary 6 p"140

        6A  p48                                       II    Make sentences with these                60  p54
                                                            words.                                   II a  Complete these sentences.
        D  Fill in the gaps with these words.
                                                            1  He I to I upset I everyone I               ASKING FOR PERMISSION TO
                                                               bound I's I .
               advantage     seriously   notice                                                           INTERRUPT
                                                               He's bound to upset everyone.
               value   time    out   answer
               sides    responsibility   granted            2  I I we I imagine I time I have I              were    a good time    busy
                                                               Sarah I to I visit I can't I 'II /'.          could see   got a minute
             1  Let's take  advantag§_ of the               3  I I he I disagree I  'II I daresay I .        disturb
                                                            4  to come I I I want I doubt I she I
             2  I try not to take          when                'II I.                                     1  Can I have a  word  ?
                friends argue.                                                                            2  Sorry to bother you, but have you
                                                            5  suppose I mind I we're I I I she I
             3  I sometimes take my health for                 don't I if I  'II I late I .                              ?
                                                                                                          3  I was wondering if I
                                                            6  They I to arrive I six I 're I unlikely
             4  We need to take the                            I before I.                                    you for a moment.
                to do this properly.                                                                      4  Sorry to            you .
                                                            7  think I Tom I 'II I care I I I what I
             5  She always takes             for               wear I shouldn't I you I .                 5  Is this           ?
                her mistakes.
                                                            8  She I well I leave I soon I him I          6  Are you _           ?
             6  Don't take any            of him,              may I .
                he's just jealous.                                                                        b  Match the beginnings of
                                                            9  're I to make I You I them I on I          sentences 1-5 to the endings of
             7  When she's upset she takes it                  sure I impression I a good I .             sentences a-e.
                           on me.
             a  She can't take no for an __ _          6C  p52                                            REFUSING PERMISSION
             9  Don't take everything at face                                                             1  I'm really       a  a bit tied
                                                       El  What do words/phrases 1-10                         rather             up just now.
                                                            refer to?
            10  You mustn't take what he says                                                             2  I'm afraid I'm   b  for time right
                too ___ _                                                                           now.
                                                            Tony always has troubl  with mone  .
                                                            He either has a lot of  it  r he has          3  I'm rather       c  busy at the
        El  Choose the correct words.                       2 none. His parents,  whose flat is               pushed             moment.
             1 Be@punctual is extremely                     quite small, let  him move in with            4  I'm really up    d  a good time.
             important and I hate  turn up/                 5 them last month. Before  that he            5  Sorry, this isn't  e  against it at
             turning up late for anything. I also           had a flat in Bond Street, but he lost                               the moment.
             really hate people who  keepl                  7 that because he couldn't pay the
             keeping me waiting for ages.                   rent. Then  he lost his job. He's
                                                            applied for several jobs since  then,
             So yesterday morning was really
             4 frustrated/frustrating.  I was  be/          but he hasn't got  one yet.
             being interviewed for a job, so I        II Replace each underlined word                        Progress Portfolio 6
             decided  to leave/leaving home                 with one back-referencing word.              •   11.Jrr,  ....... _.,.,_ •• ,,..n_,,,....-.....   ...
             early to avoid  to get/getting caught
             in the rush hour. Despite  allowl              I'm going to Brighton tomorrow to             Tick the things you can do
             allowing an extra two hours for the            see Jack. I'm very excited about              in English.
             journey, I thought I was going to be                    it                                   D  I can describe positive and
             late because lots of trains were               1 going to Brighton because I've never              negative aspects of people's
             9 cancelled/cancel/ing. In the end,            been  to Brighton before. Jack's                    character.
             I managed  to get/getting there                always wanted a flat in Brighton and          D  I can express how certain I am
             on time.                                       the  flat he's bought overlooks the                 about future events.
                                                            sea. So  Jack has finally got  Jack's
        68  p50                                             dream. As you can imagine,  buying            D  I can guess the meaning of
                                                            his dream flat has made  Jack very                  some words in context.
        El  Complete these compound                         happy. In the evening  Jack and I are         D  I can understand live interviews.
             adjectives. Sometimes there is                 going to the cinema. But before  we           D  I can interrupt people politely.
             more than one possible answer.                 go to the cinema Jack's taking me           .                                       .
                                                                                                        . .........•...........•...................
                                                            to some antique shops.  °The shops                                                  .
             1  self -centred 5      -minded                                                               What do you need to
                                                            are  shops that  Jack thinks are
             2       -going   6      -headed                really special.                             :  study again? See
             3       -willed   7  __ tempered                                                           :  Self-study DVD-ROM 6.
             4  __ -back      a  __ conscious
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