Page 120 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 120

       Extra Practice 3                                                                                   Language Summary 3 p132

      3A  p24                                        38  p26                                        30  p30
      D    Find nine more crimes.                    IEI  Choose the correct verbs.                      Complete the sentences with

            T  ( B  u  R  G  L  A  R  Y ) M               1              somebody for                    these phrases.
                                                             a crime
             E  M  T  H  E  T  R  v  B  M                                                                  what if   be wonderful    it help
                                                          2  acquit/commit a crime
             R  u  w  L  L  H  s  A  L  u                                                                  don't mind    be easier   you like
                                                          3  find/fine somebody (£500)
            R  R  F  0  0  E  0  N  T  G                                                                   as long as   be better    'd be
                                                          4  send/acquit somebody to prison                for offering   let me   can manage
            s  D  R  0  T  F  N  D  M  G
                                                          s  take/charge somebody with
            p   E  A  T  c  T  E  A      p                   a crime                                     1  I've got loads of research to do
            Q  R  u        K  M  u  L  D  N               6  find/convict somebody guilty                   for my course assignment.

            K  I  D  N  A     p  p    I  N  G             7  give/commit evidence                        a  Offer:  What if  I did that for you?
            z  L  F  G  F  R  A  s  v  H                  a  give/take somebody to court                 b  Refuse: No, that's OK.  I
            B  R       B  E  R    y   M  s  x                                                            c  Accept: Well,  it'd ___ if
                                                     II Correct the mistakes in these                       you could.
      B    Make second conditional                        third conditional sentences.                   2  There's nothing to eat.
           sentences with these words.                            have been                              a  0: I'll go to the shops if

           1  A  If you I see I some people               1  It might ee better if you'd left            b  R: No, it's OK, but thanks
                  robbing a shop, what I you                 yesterday.
                                                                                                         c  A:     _  _  you don't mind.
                  do?                                     2  If you would flown last Monday, it
                                                                                                         3  My computer's crashed again!
                  If you saw some people                     would have been much cheaper.
                                                                                                         a  0: Would             if I had a
                  robbing a shop, what would              3  If you'd asked sooner, I can
                                                                                                            look at it for you?
                  you do?                                    have helped.
                                                                                                         b  R: Don't worry. It'd           if
              8  As long as the robbers I                 4  How you have got home last
                                                             night if she hadn't given you a lift?
                  can't I hear me, I I call the                                   I took it back to the shop.
                  police.                                 s  I wouldn't come if you hadn't               c  A: Are you sure you __          ?
           2  A  Suppose you I can I work for                asked me.                                   4  I can't finish this now. I have to go.
                  any company in the world,                                                              a  0:            finish it for you.
                  which I you choose?                3C  p28                                             b  R: No, don't worry.  It'd
              8  I I like to work for H&M                                                                              if I did it.
                                                     El  Choose the correct preposition.
                  provided I I can I have free                                                           c  A: Thanks. That
                  clothes.                                1  I've applied for ,@the embassy                 a great help.
                                                             for/to a new passport?
           3  A  Imagine you I have I the
                  chance to learn a new skill,            2  Insist to/on speaking to the                   Progress Portfolio 3
                  what I it be?                              manager.
                                                                                                      •   .;-·oa-                  .it"' .....   ,....,,..   •  >,  -  •   "   •   •
              B  If I I can I afford it, I I learn        3  Don't worry for/about me.
                  to fly.                                 4  I apologised at/to Sam for/at               Tick the things you can do
           4  A  Supposing you I be I a                      being late.                                 in English.
                  journalist, who I you most like I       s  We complained to/about the                  D  I can talk about crime and
                  interview?                                 noise.                                           punishment.
              B  I I like I interview Prince              6  Are you named to/after a relative?          D  I can talk in detail about
                  William providing I I can I             7  I based my report from/on the                    imaginary situations in the
                  ask him anything.                          survey.                                          present and future.

           s  A  Would I you I live abroad,              --8  She convinced everyone after/of            D  I can talk in detail about
                  if you I have I the chance?                her innocence.                                   imaginary situations in the past.
              B  Yes. I I live I in Denmark if I I        9  They reduced the asking price               D  I can understand a text about
                  can I get a job there.                     for the car for/to £4,000.                       crime and punishment.

           6  A  Do you suppose I Ella I make            10  He succeeded inion getting all              D  I can make, refuse and accept
                                                                                                              offers politely.
                  me a jacket if I I ask I her?              the money back.                            ..........................................
              B  As long as you I pay I her for          11  I can't cope with/for all these            .
                  it,  I think she I will I make you         problems.                                  :  What do you need to
                  one.                                   12  They protested against/for the             :  study again? See
                                                             directors' pay increase.                   :  Self-study  DVD-ROM 3.
                                                                                                        . ......................................... .
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