Page 121 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 121

        Extra Practice 4                                                                                   Language Summary 4 pl 34

        4A  p32                                        II Choose the correct words.                        Fill in the gaps with these words.
                                                            Sometimes both are possible.                   Which of B's sentences mean the
        D  Fill in the gaps with the correct
                                                                                                           speaker is not surprised (NS)?
             form of these phrasal verbs.                   The Kite Runner,  @     1where is
                                                            set in Kabul, is about the friendship            honest    kidding   bet
               run a1,voy   get away with                                     2
                                                            between two boys  wholthat grow                  imagine    news    wonder
               run over    come round                       up together. Amir,  who1whose...._               earth   wouldn't    must
               knock out    work out    go off              mother is dead, is brought up by his
               make up     pass on    turn out              father and his father's servant, Ali.          1  A  She's lost her job.
                                                            Hassan,  who/that is Ali's son, is                B  I'm not surprised, to be
             1  Stop! Thief! He's run(Jing away !           Amir's best friend. One day,  whenl                    honest  .  NS
             2             this message to Pam.             where the two boys are trying to win           2  A  I've been awake since 4 a.m.
                                                            a kite race, Hassan is attacked by
             3  He used to             lots of                                                                B  Well, no        you're tired.
                                                            an older boy and two of his friends.
                excuses for being late.
                                                            Amir,  whol that sees the attack,              3  A  He's in hospital.
             4  He was              in a fight.  It was     hides  wherelwhich the older boys                 B  Why on          didn't he tell
                five minutes before he
                                                            can't see him. Many years later                      me?
             5  The bomb              at 9 a.m.             Amir,  whose/which guilt has always            4  A  He says everything's my fault.
             6  He lied, but he didn't           it.        haunted him, risks his life to save               B  He would say that,         he?
                We found out the truth.                     Hassan's son from the same person
                                                            9 wholthat had attacked Hassan all             s  A  Jason shouted at Pat.
             7  I can't           how to turn it on.
                                                            those years before.                               B  Yes,  I can __ him doing
             8  The party             well in
                the end.
                                                                                                           6  A  I've won the lottery.
             9  I nearly __       . a dog today.       4C  p36
                                                                                                              B  You're __
        El  Read the story. Find nine more             II Tick the correct words/ phrases in               7  A  I've only had a salad today.
             incorrect verb forms and correct               bold. Correct the incorrect words/                B  I        you're hungry.
                                                            phrases. Sometimes t here is more
             them.                                                            a  A  Jo's finally got a job.
                                                            than one possible answer.
                            was watching                                                                      B  That's fantastic __ _
             Last night, while I watched TV I                                                              9  A  Ruby can't find work
                                                            1  I went home even though I had
             was hearing an explosion. I nearly                                                                  anywhere.
             was calling the police, but instead               a headache.
             I'd run out to see what happen.                2  Apart from going out, I watched                B  You    __ be joking.
             When I was getting outside,  I had                football on TV.
             been seeing a lot of smoke coming              3  Since I needed a dress for the
             from a neighbour's garden.  I went                party, I borrowed one of my sister's.
             round to see if he'd been alright and          4  Despite the bad weather there
             he was fine.  He'd been burning some              were lots of accidents.
             rubbish and he hasn't realised there                                                          Tick the things you can do
                                                            s  Due to feeling very ill I still went
             was an aerosol can in one of the                  to school.                                  in English.
             bags. When it was hitting the fire,
                                                            6  In spite of I usually hate horror           D  I can tell a story and give extra
             it exploded.
                                                               films,  I quite liked this one.                  detail where necessary.
                                                                                                           D  I can talk about books I've read.
        48  p34
                                                       40  p38                                             D  I can use connecting words to
        EJ  Write the letters in these words                                                                    join sentences and clauses.
                                                       II Match a phrase from A with a
             about books and reading.
                                                            word/phrase from B.                            D  I can understand a spoken
             1  b lur b                                                                                         narrative.
             2  a   t     r                                 A                       B                      D  I can use some informal
             3  p        r b    k                           He drives me            forever.                    expressions for exaggerating.
                                                            I'm over                a fortune.
             4  br __ s __ g                                                                               D  I can express different levels of
                                                            She's scared            the moon.
             s  f     ck  t _  r __ gh                                                                          surprise.
                                                            I'm going out of        stiff.                 .......................................
             6     t   r     y  g     r                     Their house cost        my mind.
             7  n  v         st                             This suitcase weighs    a ton.                   What  do you need to
                                                            It takes                crazy.                   study again? See
             a  c     ck  I
                                                            This problem is         a nightmare.             Self-study DVD-ROM 4.
             9  c     t     ts  p _  g                                                                     .......................................
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