Page 125 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 125

         Extra Practice 8                                                                                   Language Summary 8 p145

        SA  p64                                        88  p66                                        80  p?O

        D  Write the opposites of the                  EJ  Choose the correct words.                  II Make sentences using these
             underlined phrases.                            1  House prices are                            prompts.

             1  I closed my current account.                2  Kim came up for/into some                   1  I I sorry I I I call I you I an idiot.
                 I closed my savings account.                  money when her aunt died.                      I'm sorry I called you an idiot.
             2  I Qill £20 into my account.                 3  You paid £10,000 for that car!              2  I can't believe I I /. say I that.
                                                               You were ripped up/off.
             3  He's short of money.                        4  Has he paid off down his loan?              3  I I not mean I upset I you.
                                                            s  We've just put on/down a
                                                               deposit on a flat.
             4  Do you get a low interest rate?                                                            4  Sorry I for I lose I your keys.
                                                            6  It was old stock so they took
                                                               I 0% out of /off the price.
             5  I managed to get that loan.                                                                s  Sorry I I I not invite I you.  I I think I
                                                            7  The total bill comes into/to £200.             you I away I some reason.
                                                            a  She's saving up to/for a new car.
             6  The company got into debt.
                                                            9  We took off/out a mortgage.
                                                                                                           6  I I should I not say I that I you.
                                                           1 o  He never paid me that £100
             7  My account is in credit.
                                                                                                           7  Sorry. I I no idea I you I busy.

             a  Dan has a good credit rating.          II Fill in the gaps with the correct
                                                            form of the verbs in brackets.                 a  not worry I it.
                                                            1  I should  have  honed  my
        El  Look at these phrases about                        mother on her birthday, but I               9  I I really sorry, I but I I I afraid I
             the present or future. Fill in the                forgot. (phone)                                I I break I your plate.
             gaps with the correct form of the              2  I wish someone              me
             verbs in brackets.             
                                                               there was a meeting. (tell)
                                                                                                          10  I I sorry I I I not phone I you
             1  I wish I  knew  (know) how to               3  I wish I           that coat I saw             sooner. I I afraid I I I lose I my
                cook paella.                                   in the sale. (buy)                             mobile.

             2  It's time we            (think)             4  He should             at his boss.
                about leaving.                                 She was furious. (not shout)
             3  I wish we            (not sit) in           s  I wish I           more time in
                this traffic jam.                              the exam. I didn't finish it.  (have)
             4  I wish I           (can) speak              6  You should             Max that
                Russian.                                       money last month. (not lend)                   Progress Portfolio 8
             5  It's time he           (buy)                7  She wishes she __           physics
                some new shoes.                                when she was at university. (study)         Tick the things you can do
             6  I hope they __         (can)                a  You should             to the               in  English.
                have a break soon.                             teacher that you were ill.  (mention)
                                                                                                           D  I can talk about my financial
             7  I wish they            (not keep)                                                               situation.
                making all that noise.                 ac  pea
                                                                                                           D  I can express wishes and
             a  I wish I           (not have to)                                                                hopes about the present and
                work this evening.                     El  Replace the underlined words with
                                                            a synonym.                                          the future.
             9  I hope it           (stop)                                                                 D  I can express wishes and
                snowing soon.                                               certainly
                                                            In this cafe tips  definitely aren't                regrets about the past.
            1 o  I hope he ____ (pass) his                  2 obligatory, so I always try to  work
                exams.                                                                                     D  I can understand an article
                                                            out who'll give me one. Most people                 giving general advice.
            11  I wish you            (stop)                4 usually leave an  acceptable amount          D  I can apologise politely and
                complaining about everything.               and they often ask if we actually get               respond to apologies.
            12  It's about time people __                   the tip or if it  simply goes to the          •.................................•.•....
                (listen) to what she has to say.            restaurant. When foreign visitors
                                                            7 discover that 10% is the  normal tip,          What do you need to
                                                            they often leave the  exact amount.           :  study again? See
                                                                                                          :  Self-study DVD-ROM 8.
                                                            However, Americans usually leave an           .
                                                            10 extra 5-10%.                               ·•········································
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