Page 128 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 128

       Extra Practice 11                                                                                Language Summary 11  p152

      11A  p88                                       II   Put these sentences into direct           110  p94
      D  Fill in the gaps with the correct                                                          B  Match 1-8 with a-h.
           form of these verbs.                           1  She said she'd be working late.
                                                             I'll be working late.                         1  I wonder if it  c
             ee    make (x2)    work (x2)                 2  He told me I couldn't use his car.            2  One thing we

              give   have    get   do                     3  I asked him what he thought.
                                                                                                           3  Well, it's worth
           1  Lee's never  been  out of work.             4  She told me not to wait for her.              4  Yes, that makes
                                                          5  He asked me if I wanted to stay.
           2  What do you __ _         for a                                                               5  Personally, I'd rather
              living?                                     6  She wanted to know what my
                                                             next job was going to be.                     6  Maybe we should avoid
           3  He'd like to           freelance.
                                                          7  He asked me where I'd been                    7  Can we just go
           4  Sue             a lot of work on.
           5  He             a talk on                                                                     8  Are you saying
                                                          8  She told me I had to leave.
              Shakespeare last Friday.
           6  I            on a new project at                                                             a  doing anything too quickly.
              the moment.                            11C  p92
                                                                                                           b  over this again?
           7  I was            redundant.            El  Fill in the gaps with these pairs
           8  I found it really hard to                   of verbs.                                        c  'd be better to close the
                          down to work today.                                                                 company.
           9  It's hard to           a living               suggested/threatened                           d  a try.
              these days.                                   invited/suggested                              e  sense.
                                                            insisted on/refused
      El  Choose the correct verb forms.                    admitted/blamed                                t  could do is close the
           1  By this time tom  rrow I                      advised/denied                                    company.
              'II arriver  have arrive  in Luxor.           reminded/mentioned                             g  that we should close it?
           2  This time next week I'm/'// be in                                                            h  we didn't close it.
              the middle of giving my talk.               1  a  Sam  threatened  to leave
                                                                 the course.
           3  I won't have/'m not finished
                                                             b  The teacher  suggested
              before 2 p.m.
                                                                 doing a different course.
           4  I'm sure I'll do/be doing the
              same job in five years' time.               2  a  Joan             to work late
                                                                 last night.
           5  If you need me later, I'll stay/
              be staying at the Hilton.                      b  Robin             working late              Progress Portfolio 11
                                                                 last night.
           6  On Saturday I'll have been/be                                                           o'oa   ...... -=-----------11'-._,., ..  .......  •••  •11
                                                          3  a  She             that the
              married for two years.                                                                     Tick the things you can do
                                                                 accident was her fault.
                                                                                                         in English.
      118  p90                                               b  Miki            me for causing
                                                                 the accident.                          D  I can talk about work and
      EJ  Fill in the gaps with the correct               4  a  Lenny             me to get                   business.
           form of these verbs.                                  some milk.                             D  I can talk about things I'll be
                                                                                                              doing and will have done in the
                                                             b  Lydia             that she
             set-tft9   expand   run    import                                                                future.
                                                                 needed milk.
             make     export    go                                                                      D  I can report what other people
                                                          5  a  He             me to go out
           In 1980 Meg  set u      a new                 .......   for a meal last night.                     have said or asked.
           clothing company. It was so                       b  She             going out for           D  I can follow a discussion
           successful that she  2          the                  a meal tomorrow.                              where the speakers are trying
           business by  3           her clothes           6  a  They _    __ taking the                       to reach a decision.
           to other countries. Soon she                          money.                                 D  I can put forward and react to
           4           a chain of clothes                                                                     ideas in a discussion.
                                                             b  They             us to take the         .........................................
           shops all over Europe. Unfortunately
           she nearly  5          bankrupt                      money.                                  •  What do you need to
           last year, but she began  6
                                                                                                        :  study again? See
           clothes from India and soon her                                                              .
                                                                                                        :  Self-study DVD-ROM 11.
           business  7           a profit again.                                                        .
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