Page 98 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 98

                               T3 CAMPUS
                               Department of Information Technology          DCIT 55 – Advance Database System

                                                ID       Name         Age
                                              1       Christian      22
                                              2       John Mark      22
                                              3       Jayson         23
                                              4       Nigel          22

               ALTER EXAMPLE (ADD Column)
                       ALTER TABLE Persons ADD Email VARCHAR(255);
                                                ID       Name         Age     Email
                                              1       Christian      22       Null
                                              2       John Mark      22       Null
                                              3       Jayson         23       Null
                                              4       Nigel          22       Null

               ALTER EXAMPLE (ADD Multiple Column)
                       ALTER TABLE Persons ADD (Email VARCHAR(255), ContactNo VARCHAR(255));
               Now the “Persons” table would become as follow:
                                         ID       Name         Age     Email  ContactNo
                                       1       Christian     22       Null      Null
                                       2       John Mark     22       Null      Null
                                       3       Jayson        23       Null      Null
                                       4       Nigel         22       Null      Null

               ALTER EXAMPLE (DROP/DELETE Column)
                              ALTER TABLE Persons DROP COLUMN Email;
               Now the “Persons” table would become as follow:
                                         ID       Name         Age    ContactNo
                                       1       Christian     22       Null
                                       2       John Mark     22       Null
                                       3       Jayson        23       Null
                                       4       Nigel         22       Null

               ALTER EXAMPLE (MODIFY Column)
               The following SQL Statement modifies the data type of ‘Name’ column from varchar to char in
               ‘Persons’ table.
                              ALTER TABLE Persons MODIFY COLUMN Name CHAR(50);

               The  following  SQL  Statement  modifies  the  size  of  ‘ContactNo’  column  from  255  to  25  in
               ‘Persons’ table.
                              ALTER TABLE Persons MODIFY COLUMN ContactNo VARCHAR(25);

               Rules of ALTER Statement
               SQL ALTER TABLE (ADD Column)
               -   When we add a column using ALTER TABLE statement then it automatically adds those
                   columns to the end of the table and updates values for each record in that column with

               SQL ALTER TABLE (DROP/DELETE Column)
               -   When we delete a column from a table, column and all the data it contains are deleted.
               -   You  cannot  delete  a  column  that  has  a  CHECK  constraint.  You  must  first  delete  the

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