Page 99 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 99

                               T3 CAMPUS
                               Department of Information Technology          DCIT 55 – Advance Database System

               -   You cannot delete a column that has PRIMARY KEY or FOREIN KEY constraints or other
                   dependencies except when using the Table Designer.

               SQL ALTER TABLE (MODIFY Column)
               -   We  can  modify  the  data  type  as  well  as  the  size  of  a  column  using  ALTER  TABLE
                   statement with ALTER option.
               -   Modifying the data type of a column that already contains data can allow us to modify if
                   data present in that column is compatible to new datatype.
               -   Decreasing the size of a column that already contains data can allow us to decrease if
                   data present in that column is less than the new size.

               SQL RENAME Statement (For TABLE)
               The SQL RENAME statement is used to rename a table.
               Syntax:               ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;

               Example:       Consider the ‘Persons’ table having the following records.
                                         ID       Name         Age
                                       1       Christian     22
                                       2       John Mark     22
                                       3       Jayson        23
                                       4       Nigel         22
               The following SQL Statement rename a table called ‘Persons’ to the new name ‘Candidates’.
                              ALTER TABLE Persons RENAME TO Candidates;

               SQL RENAME Statement (For COLUMN)
               The SQL RENAME statements is used to rename a table’s name.
               Syntax:    ALTER     TABLE     table_name     RENAME      COLUMN       column_name      TO

               Example:       Consider the ‘Persons’ table having the following records:
                                              ID        Name         Age
                                            1        Christian     22
                                            2        John Mark     22
                                            3        Jayson        23
                                            4        Nigel         22
               The following SQL Statement renames a column ‘Name’ to ‘PersonName’.
                              ALTER TABLE Persons RENAME COLUMN Name TO PersonName;

               Now, the ‘Persons’ table would become as below:
                                              ID     PersonName       Age
                                            1        Christian      22
                                            2        John Mark      22
                                            3        Jayson         23
                                            4        Nigel          22

               SQL DROP Statement
               The SQL DROP statement is used to drop an existing table from a database.
               Be careful before dropping/deleting a table. Dropping/Deleting a table results in loss of all
               information stored in the table.
               Syntax:               DROP TABLE table_name;

               Consider the ‘Persons’ table having the following records:

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