Page 103 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 103

                               T3 CAMPUS
                               Department of Information Technology          DCIT 55 – Advance Database System

               SQL IN Operator
               The  IN  operator  is  used  in  WHERE  condition  with  SELECT,  UPDATE  and  DELETE
               The IN operator returns value that matches values in a list or subquery.
               The IN operator is a shorthand for multiple OR conditions.
               Syntax:        SELECT*FROM table_name WHERE column_name IN (value1, value2, ..);

               Example:       Consider the ‘Persons’ table having the following records.
                                              ID     PersonName       Age      City
                                            1        Christian      25        Tanza
                                            2        John Mark      23        Trece
                                            3        Nigel          21        Indang
               The following SQL statement selects all the persons from ‘Persons’ table who are staying in
               either ‘Tanza’ or ‘Trece’.
                               SELECT*FROM Persons WHERE City IN (‘Tanza’, ‘Trece’);
                                              ID     PersonName       Age      City
                                            1        Christian      25        Tanza
                                            2        John Mark      23        Trece
               The above SQL statement using IN operator is equivalent to the following SQL statement
               (using OR operator).
                            SELECT*FROM Persons WHERE City = ‘Tanza’ OR City = ‘Trece’;

               SQL NOT IN Operator
               The  NOT  IN operator  is  used  in WHERE  condition  with  SELECT,  UPDATE  and  DELETE
               The NOT IN operator returns values that do not matches values in a list or subquery.
                 Syntax: SELECT*FROM table_name WHERE column_name NOT IN(value1, value2,…);

               Example:       Consider the ‘Persons’ table having the following records.
                                              ID     PersonName       Age      City
                                            1        Christian      25        Tanza
                                            2        John Mark      23        Trece
                                            3        Nigel          21        Indang
                       SELECT*FROM Persons WHERE City NOT IN (‘Indang’);
               The above query would produce the following result:
                                              ID     PersonName       Age      City
                                            1        Christian      25        Tanza
                                            2        John Mark      23        Trece

               In SQL NULL values represent missing unknown data. By default, a table column can hold
               NULL values.
               A field with a NULL value is a field with no value. NULL value is different than a zero value or
               a field that contains space.
                              SELECT*FROM table_name WHERE column_name IS NULL;

               You can also use NULL value with WHERE condition in UPDATE and DELETE statement.

               SQL SET NULL Value (In UPDATE Statement)
                   UPDATE table_name SET column_name = NULL WHERE column_name = condition;

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