Page 17 - National Express_ GMStands
P. 17
Reduction of fire risk means ensuring there are appropriate management systems in place to ensure that
the risk of a vehicle catching fire is reduced as far as is practicable, and any fire equipment meets all
legislative requirements throughout the life cycle of the vehicle.
This standard provides minimum requirements for fire reduction, including vehicle specification,
maintenance and emergency protocols. Group Companies must have in place management systems to
deliver the requirements of this standard and reduce the risk of vehicle fires.
It is the responsibility of the Engineering Director, or equivalent, to ensure that those responsible for
discharging these policies are competent to do so.
Scope and Application of these Requirements
This Global Maintenance Standard sets out the minimum requirements that must be applied throughout all
National Express Group Companies. This is to ensure that the risk of vehicles catching fire is considered
when specifying vehicles and that the risk of fire is managed throughout the life cycle of the vehicle. In
addition to the requirements of this standard, all statutory requirements set by local and national legislation
and regulations must be complied with. It is the responsibility of each Group Company to identify and
apply the relevant legislation, industry codes and standards. They must also ensure that maintenance
processes do not increase the risk of fire and that equipment to extinguish and control fires is maintained.
Each Group Company is responsible for incorporating the requirements in this standard into their
management systems and operating procedures. Each Group Company can, of course, exceed the
requirements outlined in this standard, and such good practices should be shared across the Group.
Where Group Companies are already exceeding standards, then these should be maintained.
Each Engineering Director (or equivalent) shall define the person or people within each Group Company
who have the necessary competence to draft their own policies identified in this Global Standard.
Wherever possible it is recommended that a peer review of draft standards is carried out across the Group
to capitalise on existing expertise and best practice.
The purpose of this standard is to minimise the risk of fire to people and assets. This must start with the
specification of the vehicle through to ongoing maintenance and disposal. It will also, where appropriate,
cover the requirements for emergency and escape protocols should a fire occur.
If a fire occurs it can create significant danger to life and assets and therefore fire risk management must
be deemed as a ‘safety critical’ activity.
All policies and procedures implemented in line with this standard must be effectively managed and
enforced at all levels.
Global Maintenance Standard: Reduction of Fire Risk (Vehicles) 4