Page 29 - National Express_ GMStands
P. 29
Vehicles that are not safety inspected, for any reason, within the specified required time period must be
removed from service and identified as ‘unusable’ until a vehicle safety inspection has been completed.
Note: A guide to establishing vehicle safety inspection frequency can be found in appendix 1.
In the case of vehicles that are deemed to be on light duties, for example, entirely within an airport or used
for training or similar non intensive stage carriage or operational work. Alternative inspection frequencies
may be specified but must be subject to the following conditions:
Within the local legislative requirements.
A suitable risk assessment is carried out by a ‘competent person’.
Inspection intervals are agreed and signed off by the Engineering Director (or equivalent).
If operating circumstances change, for example, a reduction in fleet operating the same cumulative
mileage, the risk assessment must be reviewed and updated accordingly.
1.2 Inspection Content & Documentation
Group Companies must create a list of items which form the content and scope of the inspection, and
implement a document (or documents) for recording them.
As a minimum, this record must include:
Name of the Group Company
Name of inspector
Date of inspection
Vehicle identity (e.g. registration number)
Odometer (mileage recorder) reading, if appropriate
A list of all the items to be inspected
Details of any defects
Details of any remedial/rectification or repair work undertaken and by whom
A signed declaration that all required items have been inspected
A signature that any defects have been repaired satisfactorily and the vehicle is now in a safe
roadworthy condition for return to service
1.3 Inspection Criteria
Group Companies must identify and apply the local legislative and regulatory requirements as a minimum
standard for vehicle safety inspection. For each item, Group Companies must clearly identify the
requirements of the check and the failure condition that deems a vehicle unroadworthy.
Note that there may be items that are not included in legislative or regulatory requirements that will need to
be inspected, for example, third party equipment such as CCTV, DriveCam and communications
equipment. Group Companies must identify these items and ensure they are included in the safety
Global Maintenance Standard: Vehicle Safety Inspection 6