Page 10 - M1-12 Ops Manual McMurdo 2016
P. 10
Unloading the M1
Step 6
Unloading the M1
The M1 should be allowed to cool for a minimum of 60 minutes. This 60-minute period allows the heat- ing elements and the element housings to cool and regain their rigidity.
CAUTION: If combus ble material inside the M1 is heated and then exposed to oxygen, it may combust. Keep a water supply nearby in case it is needed to cool the sludge/soil or ex nguish any combus ble material.
Lid Removal
Use CAUTION when opening the lid clamps, be sure to wear gloves to protect hands from hot air and/or steam inside the M1. Remove the lid.
CAUTION: Any equipment that is exposed to the soil/sludge or to the inside of the M1 will get hot. This includes but is not limited to heavy equipment buckets, li ing harnesses or chains and hand shovels
CAUTION: The soil/sludge that is emp ed from the M1 is hot. Do not touch the soil/sludge or place any- thing on the soil/sludge un l it has had adequate me to cool.
CAUTION: Take care to empty the M1 slowly. This will help reduce the amount of dust that is created by the ow of soil/sludge.
Soil/sludge Sampling
(see A ached - 2016 Ops Plan for sampling instruc ons)