Page 108 - BUKU MERAUKE 24-06-2024 GABUNG
P. 108


               Sektor Perkebunan Masih Menjadi Andalan

               The Plantation Sector is Still the Mainstay

               Kelapa sawit masih menjadi andalan di sektor perkebunan,   Palm oil is still a mainstay in the plantation sector, as well
               sekaligus sumber pendapatan daerah melalui berbagai   as a source of regional income through various business
               kegiatan usaha. Diketahui, saat ini terdapat tujuh investor   activities. It is known that there are currently seven oil
               kelapa sawit di Kabupaten Merauke, di mana enam di   palm investors in Merauke Regency, of which six are foreign
               antaranya merupakan investor asing.                  investors.

               Dalam kebijakannya Pemerintah Kabupaten Merauke      In its policy, the Merauke Regency Government encourages
               mendorong setiap investor untuk mengembangkan industri   every investor to develop the palm oil industry. This is to
               kelapa sawit. Hal tersebut demi memberikan nilai tambah   provide added value and open up jobs for the people of
               dan membuka lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat       Merauke Regency, especially indigenous Papuans (OAP).
               Kabupaten Merauke, khususnya orang asli Papua (OAP).

               Diketahui, saat ini telah berdiri lima pabrik crude palm oil   It is known that there are currently five crude palm oil (CPO)
               (CPO) di Kabupaten Merauke. Kehadiran pabrik tersebut   factories in Merauke Regency. The presence of the factory
               tentu akan sangat mendukung produksi kelapa sawit yang   will certainly greatly support palm oil production which will
               meningkat sangat pesat di tahun 2023.                increase very rapidly in 2023.

               Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kabupaten   Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS)
               Merauke, pada tahun 2023 produksi kelapa sawit Kabupaten   of Merauke Regency, in 2023 Merauke Regency's oil palm
               Merauke sebesar 665.444.834,98 ton, meningkat hampir   production amounted to 665,444,834.98 tons, an increase of
               300% dari tahun sebelumnya.                          nearly 300% from the previous year.
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