Page 43 - The Promise of Persecution
P. 43

strange when suffering comes our way; in

             other words, he's saying don't think this is

             something  out  of  the  will  of  God.  And,

             again,  in  all  five  chapters  you'll  find  the

             suffering of the saints.  In James chapter 1,

             verses 2 through 4 and verse 12, you find

             the suffering of the saints. Now, 2 Timothy

             3:12 says, “Yea, and all that will live godly in

             Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”  And

             even the apostle Paul said in the latter part

             of  Acts  14:22,  “we  must  through  much

             tribulation  enter  into  the  kingdom  of

             God.”  See, I'm not just picking out verses.

             You  can't  read  in  any  book  in  the  New

             Testament  without  reading  about  the

             suffering of the saints.

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